From the vault https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/nyofacefootball/conversations/messages/1226:
Yahoo! Messenger: You are now logged into voice conference -
Yahoo! Messenger: ressang has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: eddufloth has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: edgarallans has joined the conference.
ressang (8:00:35 PM): YO
Yahoo! Messenger: atpalisoc has joined the conference.
ressang (8:00:56 PM): i biddin for melvin till he gets home
nyofacefootball (8:01:01 PM): hey guys
nyofacefootball (8:01:09 PM): mark and vince are missing
nyofacefootball (8:01:14 PM): anyone hear from them?
eddufloth (8:01:15 PM): JF -- I am out this evening since my father -
in-law is in town. Go ahead and skip my picks and I will pick up
next week. Sorry but this was last minute....
eddufloth (8:01:31 PM): I mean skip my turn...
nyofacefootball (8:01:38 PM): u sure u don't waqnt to give me a list
so i can proxy?
edgarallans (8:01:44 PM): no problem with us... have a nice time of
eddufloth (8:01:50 PM): give me a sec to look it over....
ressang (8:01:58 PM): thats what melvin did
nyofacefootball (8:02:14 PM): why don't u email me a quick list to my
yahoo mail, jonjo5?
nyofacefootball (8:02:26 PM): max bids on all 12 if u can
edgarallans (8:03:00 PM): you don't have to, you know... we can
manage without you, Eli... perhaps get A-Train cheap or Curtis
Martin... ehehehe
eddufloth (8:03:35 PM): will do....
nyofacefootball (8:03:47 PM): ress, where are you, at work?
ressang (8:03:51 PM): yah
ressang (8:03:55 PM): hella BUsy why?
ressang (8:04:07 PM): oh no i am at my friends house
nyofacefootball (8:04:11 PM): jus wondering
nyofacefootball (8:04:29 PM): tone, can u call vince at home pls?
atpalisoc (8:04:32 PM): i'll proxying for vince
nyofacefootball (8:04:49 PM): did he give u his list?
atpalisoc (8:04:51 PM): i'm on the line for him
Yahoo! Messenger: improvise707 has joined the conference.
nyofacefootball (8:05:04 PM): anyone hear from mark?
atpalisoc (8:05:53 PM): not me
nyofacefootball (8:06:01 PM): tone, can u ask vince about mark pls?
atpalisoc (8:06:41 PM): we don't know
Yahoo! Messenger: markymarkf has joined the conference.
markymarkf (8:06:53 PM): thank you
edgarallans (8:06:56 PM): wow... Brad Miller going to the Sacramento
Kings for you Kings fans... Turkoglu going to Spurs...
nyofacefootball (8:06:57 PM): cool
markymarkf (8:07:11 PM): Sac Queens?
improvise707 (8:07:13 PM): what the
improvise707 (8:07:16 PM): stupid kings
improvise707 (8:07:19 PM): i HATE them
ressang (8:07:36 PM): KINGS rock
improvise707 (8:07:38 PM): man too bad we don't have our best weapon
anymore... stupid garry st. jean
markymarkf (8:07:39 PM): Crystal Webber
edgarallans (8:07:43 PM): Pollard to the Pacers
improvise707 (8:07:49 PM): three way trade?
improvise707 (8:07:50 PM): dang
markymarkf (8:07:50 PM): LOL
ressang (8:07:51 PM): DA WARRIORS #1
improvise707 (8:07:58 PM): always man
eddufloth (8:08:05 PM): JF, just sent over my picks and max
improvise707 (8:08:11 PM): but i just hate losing our best player for
the umpteenth time
Yahoo! Messenger: eddufloth has left the conference.
nyofacefootball (8:08:49 PM): i'm proxying for eli
edgarallans (8:09:05 PM): I'm proxy for Urlacher as always..
ressang (8:09:18 PM): i proxy for Bino BABA
edgarallans (8:09:44 PM): Hey, Pascualie, did you join up the league
site already?
markymarkf (8:09:53 PM): testing testing
nyofacefootball (8:09:56 PM): ok
improvise707 (8:09:56 PM): i didn't get an invite
improvise707 (8:10:04 PM): i checked my email but didn't find one
nyofacefootball (8:10:17 PM): i'm jus looking for eli's list... think
he sent to 2nd email
improvise707 (8:10:35 PM): i'd better check them all
edgarallans (8:10:56 PM): JF, don't forget to send Patrick a 2nd
invite when you have a chance tomorrow or whenever...
markymarkf (8:12:17 PM): ok, let's start
ressang (8:12:27 PM): yup
edgarallans (8:12:43 PM): on your mark, ...
markymarkf (8:12:48 PM): get set
atpalisoc (8:12:53 PM): kitana
edgarallans (8:12:54 PM): uh... go?
markymarkf (8:12:57 PM): LOL
atpalisoc (8:13:11 PM): watched the dvd again huh allan?
edgarallans (8:13:21 PM): Well... hehehe
edgarallans (8:13:32 PM): hard not to... get it?
ressang (8:13:36 PM): http://www.kitana.com/naked/103410141
improvise707 (8:13:43 PM): hahahaha
improvise707 (8:13:47 PM): what the
edgarallans (8:13:47 PM): hahaha
ressang (8:13:49 PM): hahaha
improvise707 (8:13:50 PM): is this a draft or what?
ressang (8:13:52 PM): just play
ressang (8:13:54 PM): i know
nyofacefootball (8:13:54 PM): can't find eli's emali
nyofacefootball (8:13:58 PM): we'll start
nyofacefootball (8:14:04 PM): i'll call him in a bit
ressang (8:14:11 PM): whats eli
nyofacefootball (8:14:15 PM): first up is martin grammatica
nyofacefootball (8:14:23 PM): vince opened at .1
edgarallans (8:14:31 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (8:14:35 PM): .20 leo
Yahoo! Messenger: coolphyre has joined the conference.
markymarkf (8:14:45 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:14:51 PM): .3
ressang (8:14:59 PM): .4
ressang (8:15:04 PM): melvin passses
atpalisoc (8:15:06 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:15:17 PM): eli passes
nyofacefootball (8:15:35 PM): patrick, i'm proxy for eli
improvise707 (8:16:03 PM): pass
coolphyre (8:16:07 PM): pass
edgarallans (8:16:14 PM): Clemente here?
Yahoo! Messenger: clementetorres has joined the conference.
ressang (8:16:42 PM): invite him
Yahoo! Messenger: clementetorres has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: clementetorres has joined the conference.
ressang (8:16:57 PM): there he is Gramatica at .40
clementetorres (8:16:59 PM): hey guys
ressang (8:17:04 PM): your turn
clementetorres (8:17:05 PM): .5
atpalisoc (8:17:12 PM): vince .6
edgarallans (8:17:14 PM): pass leo
nyofacefootball (8:17:22 PM): i pass
ressang (8:17:28 PM): .70
nyofacefootball (8:18:04 PM): allan, can u pls moderate? i'll try to
get ahold of eli
edgarallans (8:18:18 PM): oh ok
improvise707 (8:18:21 PM): oh no you're putting HIM in charge?
improvise707 (8:18:23 PM): hahaha jp
edgarallans (8:18:26 PM): Hey!
improvise707 (8:18:30 PM): HAHAHAHA
nyofacefootball (8:18:32 PM): ress, clemente, vince are in
nyofacefootball (8:18:37 PM): i'll be back
clementetorres (8:19:03 PM): .8
atpalisoc (8:19:05 PM): anytime allan the moderator
atpalisoc (8:19:08 PM): vince pass
ressang (8:19:14 PM): .90
edgarallans (8:19:41 PM): I think it's Clemente Ress
clementetorres (8:19:50 PM): 1.00
ressang (8:20:03 PM): 1.10
clementetorres (8:20:17 PM): 1.2
ressang (8:20:23 PM): heheh I PASS
edgarallans (8:20:34 PM): Gramatica sold to Clemente Torres!
edgarallans (8:20:48 PM): Please see Commish for Cap space figure...
nyofacefootball (8:20:52 PM): ok 1.2
ressang (8:21:23 PM): clemente he gave an average of 12 points for
the last 8 weeks of footvball last year
atpalisoc (8:21:43 PM): after he broke his knee
nyofacefootball (8:21:53 PM): clemente, don't u have janikowski and
morten andersen???
clementetorres (8:21:59 PM): yup
ressang (8:22:01 PM): lol
ressang (8:22:04 PM): reaallllly
improvise707 (8:22:12 PM): this isn't a soccer league
clementetorres (8:22:12 PM): ya
improvise707 (8:22:13 PM): hahaha
ressang (8:22:14 PM): why waste money
ressang (8:22:15 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (8:22:22 PM): guess u didn't read that u can't have a
3rd kicker
improvise707 (8:22:27 PM): it's FOOTball, not futbol
atpalisoc (8:22:30 PM): fine please...
edgarallans (8:22:37 PM): hahaha
ressang (8:22:40 PM): the i shoul have him
nyofacefootball (8:22:45 PM): i'm thinking fine myself
Yahoo! Messenger: maperseveranda has joined the conference.
atpalisoc (8:22:53 PM): vince wanted him too...
ressang (8:22:59 PM): he passed
ressang (8:23:01 PM): i win
atpalisoc (8:23:02 PM): should have been between vince and ress
maperseveranda (8:23:05 PM): sorry late
ressang (8:23:06 PM): lol..... 70
maperseveranda (8:23:08 PM): where we at?
ressang (8:23:18 PM): we are at tim brown
markymarkf (8:23:21 PM): how much is the fine?
atpalisoc (8:23:24 PM): after clemente bumped it up
atpalisoc (8:23:29 PM): rest of his cap i say
maperseveranda (8:23:31 PM): whats goin?
nyofacefootball (8:23:35 PM): no, we gotta redo grammatica with ress
and vince
nyofacefootball (8:23:52 PM): vince and ress are heads up, ress
bid .40
ressang (8:23:53 PM): ok
atpalisoc (8:24:03 PM): vince.6
ressang (8:24:10 PM): .70 RESS
atpalisoc (8:24:16 PM): he's yours
markymarkf (8:24:21 PM): LOL
ressang (8:24:21 PM): thanks
nyofacefootball (8:24:26 PM): ok, .70 to ress
ressang (8:24:39 PM): i dont think Jose Cortez is in a team..
ressang (8:24:47 PM): whats the deal with that??
nyofacefootball (8:24:52 PM): executive committe members, what do you
guys think of a $5.00 fine?
atpalisoc (8:25:00 PM): hell yeah!!!
markymarkf (8:25:02 PM): ok, off of his cap money
edgarallans (8:25:08 PM): I think we should let the rook slide for
nyofacefootball (8:25:09 PM): not his cap
ressang (8:25:14 PM): can i actually get J.Cortez
maperseveranda (8:25:17 PM): what happened?
maperseveranda (8:25:20 PM): haha im lost
clementetorres (8:25:22 PM): where's that rule
atpalisoc (8:25:35 PM): so what else is new smelly!
ressang (8:25:44 PM): clemete wanted to play FIFA
maperseveranda (8:25:46 PM): haha funny man
nyofacefootball (8:25:50 PM): i've emailed it a couple of times
nyofacefootball (8:26:24 PM): what's vince's vote tony?
ressang (8:26:28 PM): 5
ressang (8:26:30 PM): 5
ressang (8:26:30 PM): 5
clementetorres (8:26:31 PM): O I guess I missed it...sorry
ressang (8:26:31 PM): 5
atpalisoc (8:26:33 PM): vince 5
nyofacefootball (8:26:40 PM): mark what's ur vote?
markymarkf (8:26:51 PM): 5
ressang (8:26:56 PM): make it 10!
maperseveranda (8:27:00 PM): for salary cap fines?
ressang (8:27:02 PM): just kiddin
nyofacefootball (8:27:05 PM): that's majority already... i don't have
to vote
maperseveranda (8:27:05 PM): 5 soudns good
improvise707 (8:27:07 PM): fie dolla
nyofacefootball (8:27:18 PM): sorry, clemente... $5.00 fine
ressang (8:27:22 PM): added?
nyofacefootball (8:27:26 PM): not against your cap... real $
nyofacefootball (8:27:44 PM): any fines will be of the $5.00 variety
ressang (8:27:54 PM): someone had THREE D's last year
nyofacefootball (8:27:55 PM): unless, it's a cap offense... that's
ressang (8:28:03 PM): i am not going to say any names
nyofacefootball (8:28:04 PM): ok let's move on
atpalisoc (8:28:10 PM): wow...
improvise707 (8:28:23 PM): jf how much i got left?
maperseveranda (8:28:24 PM): lol
maperseveranda (8:28:28 PM): i kno who it was
ressang (8:28:37 PM): T
o n y?
ressang (8:28:44 PM): who what it?
atpalisoc (8:28:47 PM): 3 D's?
ressang (8:28:56 PM): lol
ressang (8:29:00 PM): just playin
ressang (8:29:03 PM): i forgot who it was
edgarallans (8:29:16 PM): ok guys... let's get movin... we're only on
the first guy!
ressang (8:29:20 PM): k
nyofacefootball (8:29:33 PM): ress has 8.80 left after 9
ressang (8:29:44 PM): thanks
improvise707 (8:30:11 PM): can i get a cap update for my team too jf?
ressang (8:30:35 PM): get it later
ressang (8:30:37 PM): hahahaha
coolphyre (8:30:43 PM): let move on
improvise707 (8:30:46 PM): =(
ressang (8:30:47 PM): keep on going with the draft
improvise707 (8:30:47 PM): ok
ressang (8:30:59 PM): 30 minutes for a kicker?
improvise707 (8:31:01 PM): and next is freddie jones, TE from the
ressang (8:31:12 PM): no QB
ressang (8:31:25 PM): he will be blocking all day
ressang (8:31:32 PM): for mr SHIPP
atpalisoc (8:31:44 PM): hell yeah
ressang (8:32:05 PM): if emmit is crapp
edgarallans (8:32:09 PM): let's start... I submitted for .10 so...
edgarallans (8:32:13 PM): .20 leo
edgarallans (8:32:21 PM): Mark is up...
markymarkf (8:32:25 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:32:33 PM): pass
ressang (8:32:54 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:33:00 PM): sorry, had to chat w/ an owner on the
maperseveranda (8:33:05 PM): .3
atpalisoc (8:33:10 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:33:11 PM): pat u have 4.60 left
improvise707 (8:33:16 PM): thanks
nyofacefootball (8:33:19 PM): pls note down and keep track
improvise707 (8:33:25 PM): no doubt
nyofacefootball (8:33:27 PM): eli passes
improvise707 (8:33:41 PM): pass
coolphyre (8:33:43 PM): pass
clementetorres (8:33:46 PM): pass
atpalisoc (8:33:48 PM): vince pass
edgarallans (8:33:57 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (8:33:59 PM): pass leo
nyofacefootball (8:34:01 PM): just got eli's picks.... he would have
gone to 1.40
nyofacefootball (8:34:05 PM): for grammatica
nyofacefootball (8:34:08 PM): sorry eli
ressang (8:34:17 PM): =)
maperseveranda (8:34:21 PM): dang
maperseveranda (8:34:27 PM): 1.4?
edgarallans (8:34:27 PM): I believe Melvin wins Freddie Jones
nyofacefootball (8:34:27 PM): i think i saved him anyway
maperseveranda (8:34:34 PM): yeah i think u did
nyofacefootball (8:34:42 PM): ok melvin signs freddie for 1.40
atpalisoc (8:34:46 PM): for 1.4?
ressang (8:34:46 PM): LOL
ressang (8:34:50 PM): .30
maperseveranda (8:34:50 PM): hell no
maperseveranda (8:34:52 PM): .3
ressang (8:34:53 PM): hahaahah
maperseveranda (8:34:54 PM): haha
atpalisoc (8:35:02 PM): jolley's better..
improvise707 (8:35:03 PM): almost got gypped
improvise707 (8:35:04 PM): hahaha
maperseveranda (8:35:33 PM): yeah but jones is cheaper
nyofacefootball (8:35:42 PM): melvin has 7.80 left after 9
ressang (8:35:53 PM): .30 is his bid
nyofacefootball (8:36:04 PM): cory schlesinger is up
nyofacefootball (8:36:22 PM): rb... leo opens at .1
atpalisoc (8:36:28 PM): brudha's don't make good tight ends
markymarkf (8:36:35 PM): LOL
edgarallans (8:36:38 PM): Mark is up
markymarkf (8:36:38 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:36:52 PM): hey guys let's get serious
nyofacefootball (8:37:24 PM): is .3 the winning bid for freddie?
ressang (8:37:29 PM): yes
edgarallans (8:37:30 PM): yes
maperseveranda (8:37:32 PM): yup
nyofacefootball (8:37:58 PM): lemme redo my spreadsheets... thx ress
ressang (8:38:06 PM): np
edgarallans (8:38:15 PM): JF, you are up for Schlesinger... Mark just
nyofacefootball (8:38:22 PM): that was a sarcastic thx btw
nyofacefootball (8:38:41 PM): melvin has 8.90 left
nyofacefootball (8:39:07 PM): ok schlesinger is up
nyofacefootball (8:39:13 PM): leo opens at .10
nyofacefootball (8:39:16 PM): mark is up
markymarkf (8:39:20 PM): I passed
nyofacefootball (8:39:21 PM): i pass
ressang (8:39:22 PM): PASs
maperseveranda (8:39:26 PM): pass
atpalisoc (8:39:28 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:39:48 PM): eli passes
edgarallans (8:40:23 PM): Patrick is next
improvise707 (8:40:24 PM): pass
coolphyre (8:40:26 PM): pass
clementetorres (8:40:34 PM): pass
atpalisoc (8:40:38 PM): vince pass
edgarallans (8:40:40 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (8:41:03 PM): sold to Leo
nyofacefootball (8:41:14 PM): ok .10
edgarallans (8:41:29 PM): leo has 6.70 left
nyofacefootball (8:41:43 PM): correct
nyofacefootball (8:41:53 PM): steve mcnair is up
nyofacefootball (8:42:23 PM): mark opens at .10
nyofacefootball (8:42:26 PM): i bid .20
ressang (8:42:30 PM): .40
maperseveranda (8:42:32 PM): .5
atpalisoc (8:42:40 PM): .7
nyofacefootball (8:42:56 PM): eli .8
improvise707 (8:43:00 PM): .9
coolphyre (8:43:03 PM): pass
clementetorres (8:43:07 PM): 1.
atpalisoc (8:43:13 PM): vince pass
edgarallans (8:43:14 PM): pass edgar and pass leo
markymarkf (8:43:22 PM): 1.10
nyofacefootball (8:43:27 PM): pass
ressang (8:43:30 PM): 1.20
maperseveranda (8:43:33 PM): 1.3
atpalisoc (8:43:36 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:43:37 PM): eli pass
nyofacefootball (8:44:09 PM): mark, ress, melvin
nyofacefootball (8:44:17 PM): clemente
improvise707 (8:44:33 PM): 1.4
clementetorres (8:44:37 PM): pass
markymarkf (8:44:50 PM): 1.50
ressang (8:45:03 PM): 1.70
maperseveranda (8:45:05 PM): 1.8
markymarkf (8:45:10 PM): pass
ressang (8:45:34 PM): PATRICK???
nyofacefootball (8:45:36 PM): ress and melvin
improvise707 (8:45:38 PM): pass
Yahoo! Messenger: vtownvinny has joined the conference.
ressang (8:45:50 PM): iI passs
maperseveranda (8:46:07 PM): wow
maperseveranda (8:46:13 PM): mcnair? for 1.8
nyofacefootball (8:46:14 PM): melvin signs mcnair for 1.80... not bad
atpalisoc (8:46:41 PM): won't matter anyway...
atpalisoc (8:47:05 PM): good back up tho brah..
maperseveranda (8:47:11 PM): yeah
maperseveranda (8:47:17 PM): i have mcnabb already
nyofacefootball (8:47:18 PM): that leaves melvin w/ still 7.10 after
nyofacefootball (8:47:42 PM): anthony thomas, rb, is up
nyofacefootball (8:47:47 PM): i open at .10
edgarallans (8:48:18 PM): Ress is next
ressang (8:48:19 PM): .20
maperseveranda (8:48:22 PM): .3
atpalisoc (8:48:29 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:48:42 PM): eli pass
improvise707 (8:48:53 PM): pass
coolphyre (8:48:56 PM): .4
clementetorres (8:48:59 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:49:20 PM): vince
edgarallans (8:50:05 PM): proxy?
atpalisoc (8:50:09 PM): is vince on?
nyofacefootball (8:50:13 PM): vince, u still online???
markymarkf (8:50:15 PM): vince is in the room
nyofacefootball (8:50:40 PM): think he's been having problems
atpalisoc (8:50:43 PM): my proxy duties are finished for the nite
nyofacefootball (8:50:57 PM): ur proxy may be needed now
nyofacefootball (8:51:06 PM): did he say anything about a thomas?
atpalisoc (8:51:20 PM): not too me.....
atpalisoc (8:51:23 PM): i say vince pass
nyofacefootball (8:51:30 PM): ok, edgar
edgarallans (8:51:33 PM): ok then... .50 edgar
edgarallans (8:51:38 PM): .60 leo
markymarkf (8:51:45 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:51:48 PM): .7
ressang (8:51:54 PM): .80
maperseveranda (8:51:58 PM): .9
maperseveranda (8:52:00 PM): sorry
nyofacefootball (8:52:15 PM): about what?
maperseveranda (8:52:22 PM): just got back
coolphyre (8:52:30 PM): am i next
maperseveranda (8:52:32 PM): watched bonds hit a foul hr
edgarallans (8:52:33 PM): yes
nyofacefootball (8:52:33 PM): yes, u r
coolphyre (8:52:38 PM): 1.00
maperseveranda (8:52:43 PM): HOMEW RUN
edgarallans (8:52:46 PM): 1.10 edgar
edgarallans (8:52:50 PM): 1.20 leo
maperseveranda (8:52:52 PM): YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
nyofacefootball (8:52:53 PM): 1.3
ressang (8:53:00 PM): passs
maperseveranda (8:53:17 PM): 1.4
nyofacefootball (8:53:20 PM): melvin
clementetorres (8:53:20 PM): Hey guys, I have to take this call....I
pass until Alstott
nyofacefootball (8:53:35 PM): ron
coolphyre (8:53:37 PM): 1.5
edgarallans (8:53:45 PM): pass edgar
nyofacefootball (8:53:49 PM): edgar, leo, jf,melvin, ron
edgarallans (8:53:51 PM): 1.60 leo
nyofacefootball (8:53:58 PM): pass
maperseveranda (8:54:24 PM): pass
coolphyre (8:54:29 PM): 1.7
nyofacefootball (8:54:40 PM): leo and ron heads up
edgarallans (8:54:48 PM): pass
edgarallans (8:54:50 PM): leo
nyofacefootball (8:54:58 PM): ron signs anthony thomas for 1.70
edgarallans (8:55:04 PM): what was your ceiling ron?
coolphyre (8:55:08 PM): that was it
edgarallans (8:55:17 PM): oh
coolphyre (8:55:34 PM): with bennet probably going under the knife, i
needed another rb
edgarallans (8:55:50 PM): he may be a sleeper pick... can't be any
worse than last year
coolphyre (8:55:56 PM): true
nyofacefootball (8:56:03 PM): ron u have 1.40 left after 14
maperseveranda (8:56:24 PM): Bonds just tied McCovey for all time
Giants HR's
nyofacefootball (8:56:32 PM): ur max bid on a player is 1.20 if ur
keeping only 16
coolphyre (8:56:43 PM): ok.
coolphyre (8:56:44 PM): thanks
atpalisoc (8:56:46 PM): damn i gave up my tix tonight for the draft
nyofacefootball (8:56:55 PM): i'm more of a mccovey fan than bonds fan
maperseveranda (8:57:05 PM): awww that sucks
nyofacefootball (8:57:11 PM): why?
maperseveranda (8:57:13 PM): history man every day
maperseveranda (8:57:17 PM): naw about tony
atpalisoc (8:57:33 PM): draft's a priority
ressang (8:57:55 PM): yes
maperseveranda (8:57:56 PM): i never saw mccovey live so I coudnt be
a bigger covey fan
nyofacefootball (8:57:57 PM): ron, ur max is .90 for the next player
if ur keeping 16
coolphyre (8:58:04 PM): understood
ressang (8:58:08 PM): its nine already
ressang (8:58:12 PM): lets fly by
nyofacefootball (8:58:13 PM): btw guys, regarding trades
nyofacefootball (8:58:21 PM): if u don't have cap space u can't trade
nyofacefootball (8:58:30 PM): and u can't activate ur college draft
atpalisoc (8:58:37 PM): we can trade draft picks tho right bro
nyofacefootball (8:58:40 PM): yup
atpalisoc (8:58:47 PM): if we don't have cap, we can't activate
nyofacefootball (8:58:57 PM): clemente is probably the one w/ cap
space to trade players
atpalisoc (8:59:03 PM): unless we drop salary/players right?
nyofacefootball (8:59:09 PM): right tone
improvise707 (8:59:10 PM): no cap space no activates
improvise707 (8:59:17 PM): to paraphrase johnnie cochran
nyofacefootball (8:59:21 PM): or trades of players
nyofacefootball (8:59:34 PM): coz of cap hits
nyofacefootball (8:59:57 PM): and u can't pick up free agenst during
the year if u have no $$$
nyofacefootball (9:00:04 PM): just wanted to reiterate
nyofacefootball (9:00:20 PM): next up is reggie wayne
nyofacefootball (9:00:31 PM): ress opens at .10
nyofacefootball (9:00:45 PM): melvin is up
maperseveranda (9:00:50 PM): .2
atpalisoc (9:00:51 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:01:10 PM): eli .3
improvise707 (9:01:20 PM): pass
coolphyre (9:01:21 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:01:40 PM): Vince is up cuz Clemente passes till Alstott
nyofacefootball (9:01:45 PM): right
vtownvinny (9:01:47 PM): i pass
vtownvinny (9:01:50 PM): for a while
edgarallans (9:01:53 PM): pass edgar and leo
markymarkf (9:01:58 PM): .40
nyofacefootball (9:02:02 PM): pass
ressang (9:02:19 PM): pspass
maperseveranda (9:02:37 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:02:48 PM): eli .5
nyofacefootball (9:03:10 PM): mark u and eli heads up
markymarkf (9:03:15 PM): .60
nyofacefootball (9:03:17 PM): .70
markymarkf (9:03:21 PM): .80
nyofacefootball (9:03:29 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:03:41 PM): mark signs wayne for .80
nyofacefootball (9:04:33 PM): mark has 12.00 left after 7
maperseveranda (9:04:40 PM): Arizona is dying
edgarallans (9:04:48 PM): dude, you still have a lot of cap space!
atpalisoc (9:04:53 PM): what's the score brah?!
nyofacefootball (9:04:56 PM): tim brown is up
maperseveranda (9:05:00 PM): only 4-0
nyofacefootball (9:05:06 PM): melvin opens at .10
maperseveranda (9:05:09 PM): but i kno their confidence is just doo
maperseveranda (9:05:19 PM): schihlling was crap last nite
atpalisoc (9:05:20 PM): my wife hugged jerome williams today
maperseveranda (9:05:25 PM): no way?
atpalisoc (9:05:29 PM): lei'd him
maperseveranda (9:05:30 PM): hes part filipino
nyofacefootball (9:05:30 PM): tony is up
improvise707 (9:05:33 PM): you better check dat homes
improvise707 (9:05:34 PM): hahaha
maperseveranda (9:05:35 PM): in case you guys didnt kno
improvise707 (9:05:35 PM): jp
atpalisoc (9:05:46 PM): .2
nyofacefootball (9:05:50 PM): eli .3
ressang (9:06:02 PM): did you want a hug to melvin
improvise707 (9:06:10 PM): patss
coolphyre (9:06:16 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:06:24 PM): yeah and some groping preferably
edgarallans (9:06:28 PM): Vince is up
ressang (9:06:32 PM): lol
maperseveranda (9:06:33 PM): lol
atpalisoc (9:06:37 PM): only if smelly took a shower
maperseveranda (9:06:44 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (9:06:51 PM): clemente is out, vince passes for
awhile edgar
edgarallans (9:06:55 PM): oh
edgarallans (9:07:01 PM): .4 edgar
edgarallans (9:07:07 PM): .50 leo
markymarkf (9:07:08 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:07:15 PM): .6
ressang (9:07:21 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:07:26 PM): pass
atpalisoc (9:07:28 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:07:32 PM): eli .7
edgarallans (9:07:38 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (9:07:48 PM): pass leo
nyofacefootball (9:08:10 PM): i'll pass and let eli have tim brown
for .7
nyofacefootball (9:09:07 PM): eli has 9.00 left after 9 players
nyofacefootball (9:09:20 PM): rb mike alstott is up
nyofacefootball (9:09:31 PM): tony opens at .10
nyofacefootball (9:09:39 PM): eli .2
improvise707 (9:09:44 PM): .3
nyofacefootball (9:10:09 PM): ron
coolphyre (9:10:22 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:10:25 PM): is Clemente back for this guy?
clementetorres (9:10:25 PM): .4
edgarallans (9:10:28 PM): ok
edgarallans (9:10:32 PM): pass edgar and leo
markymarkf (9:10:45 PM): pas
markymarkf (9:10:46 PM): s
nyofacefootball (9:10:55 PM): .5
ressang (9:11:02 PM): .7
maperseveranda (9:11:15 PM): .8 what happened to .6
atpalisoc (9:11:19 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:11:20 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (9:11:24 PM): eli passes
improvise707 (9:11:28 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:11:37 PM): .9
nyofacefootball (9:11:51 PM): 1
ressang (9:12:05 PM): 1.1
maperseveranda (9:12:14 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:12:14 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:12:19 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:12:35 PM): ress signs alstott for 1.10
ressang (9:12:55 PM): =)
nyofacefootball (9:13:08 PM): ress, u have 7.70 left after 10
clementetorres (9:13:09 PM): good deal
nyofacefootball (9:13:29 PM): alstott is listed on the bench
nyofacefootball (9:13:40 PM): after ricky and deuce
ressang (9:13:46 PM): YAH
ressang (9:13:49 PM): =)
markymarkf (9:13:52 PM): he had knee surgery
maperseveranda (9:14:09 PM): did he?
nyofacefootball (9:14:11 PM): did he?... he should still get goal
line situations
markymarkf (9:14:14 PM): yeah
atpalisoc (9:14:24 PM): oh well
atpalisoc (9:14:35 PM): i heard it was reconstuctive
nyofacefootball (9:14:44 PM): qb mark brunnell is up
nyofacefootball (9:14:53 PM): eli opens at .10
improvise707 (9:14:57 PM): pass
coolphyre (9:14:59 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:15:07 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:15:15 PM): vince still passes jf?
nyofacefootball (9:15:24 PM): he answered last time
edgarallans (9:15:33 PM): oh yeah... sorry
edgarallans (9:15:48 PM): Vince u r up
nyofacefootball (9:16:07 PM): no, i guess not... he wasn't in the
last bids
nyofacefootball (9:16:11 PM): sorry, ur up edgar
edgarallans (9:16:16 PM): ok time's up.. .20 edgar
edgarallans (9:16:19 PM): .30 leo
Yahoo! Messenger: vtownvinny has left the conference.
markymarkf (9:16:33 PM): .40
nyofacefootball (9:16:39 PM): pass
ressang (9:16:40 PM): passsssssss
maperseveranda (9:16:52 PM): pass
atpalisoc (9:16:56 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:17:00 PM): eli pass
edgarallans (9:17:11 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (9:17:15 PM): .50 leo
nyofacefootball (9:17:16 PM): leo and mark
markymarkf (9:17:21 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:17:31 PM): good deal for leo
nyofacefootball (9:17:41 PM): leo signs brunnell for .50
edgarallans (9:17:42 PM): hope Leftwich doesn't beat him out in
training camp
ressang (9:17:49 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (9:17:52 PM): no, they should wait til later
nyofacefootball (9:18:00 PM): in the season
edgarallans (9:18:41 PM): 6.20 left for leo... tennessee d is up
nyofacefootball (9:18:49 PM): correct
maperseveranda (9:18:52 PM): pass i have 2 d's
nyofacefootball (9:19:11 PM): patrick opens tennessee defense for .10
atpalisoc (9:19:12 PM): .2
nyofacefootball (9:19:19 PM): those who have 2 d's can't bid
nyofacefootball (9:19:32 PM): ron is after patrick
nyofacefootball (9:19:36 PM): .10 to you ron
coolphyre (9:19:41 PM): .2
atpalisoc (9:19:42 PM): sorry
nyofacefootball (9:19:46 PM): cool bro
clementetorres (9:19:52 PM): .3
edgarallans (9:19:57 PM): pass edgar and leo of course
markymarkf (9:20:03 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:20:06 PM): .4
ressang (9:20:12 PM): .5
ressang (9:20:27 PM): melvin check you IM from me
nyofacefootball (9:20:31 PM): tone, melvin is out
atpalisoc (9:20:31 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:20:35 PM): eli .6
improvise707 (9:20:40 PM): pass
coolphyre (9:20:42 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:20:45 PM): .7
nyofacefootball (9:20:54 PM): pass
ressang (9:21:01 PM): .80
nyofacefootball (9:21:03 PM): eli .9
nyofacefootball (9:21:15 PM): clemente, ress and eli
clementetorres (9:21:19 PM): 1.00
ressang (9:21:23 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:21:29 PM): eli 1.1
clementetorres (9:21:39 PM): 1.2
nyofacefootball (9:21:43 PM): 1.3
clementetorres (9:21:54 PM): 1.4
nyofacefootball (9:22:06 PM): 1.5
clementetorres (9:22:12 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:22:22 PM): eli signs tennesse for 1.5
edgarallans (9:22:31 PM): for Tennessee "d"?? They let go of there
best LB (Godfrey) and the Freak is always injury prone... oh well,
good luck to Eli!
atpalisoc (9:23:05 PM): but eli has the atlanta tho ...
atpalisoc (9:23:09 PM): LOL!!!
edgarallans (9:23:14 PM): hehehe
nyofacefootball (9:23:31 PM): eli has 7.5 left after 10
nyofacefootball (9:23:42 PM): wr troy brown is up
nyofacefootball (9:23:48 PM): ron opens at .10
clementetorres (9:24:04 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:24:11 PM): .20 edgar
edgarallans (9:24:15 PM): .30 leo
nyofacefootball (9:24:34 PM): mark
markymarkf (9:24:40 PM): pass
markymarkf (9:24:43 PM): sorry
nyofacefootball (9:24:44 PM): .4
ressang (9:24:47 PM): .5
maperseveranda (9:25:07 PM): .6
atpalisoc (9:25:09 PM): .7
nyofacefootball (9:25:17 PM): eli passes
nyofacefootball (9:25:57 PM): patrick
improvise707 (9:26:06 PM): pass
coolphyre (9:26:10 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:26:13 PM): i like him as a receiver but i don't like
him THAT much... pass edgar and pass leo
nyofacefootball (9:26:32 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:26:41 PM): ress, melvin and tony
ressang (9:26:49 PM): ..8
maperseveranda (9:27:01 PM): pass
atpalisoc (9:27:07 PM): .9
ressang (9:27:13 PM): hmmm
ressang (9:27:29 PM): 1.
atpalisoc (9:27:36 PM): merry christmas
nyofacefootball (9:27:49 PM): ress signs troy brown for 1.00
ressang (9:27:49 PM): thanks
atpalisoc (9:27:49 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:28:04 PM): merry christmas to you tone... you have no
ressang (9:28:05 PM): i know
ressang (9:28:12 PM): your lucky
atpalisoc (9:28:27 PM): how little faith u have in me brah
ressang (9:28:35 PM): i had to do my good deed of the day
ressang (9:28:48 PM): you would of had .50 left
nyofacefootball (9:28:52 PM): ress, troy brown fills up ur starting
nyofacefootball (9:29:05 PM): u have 6.70 left w/ 3 bench players
atpalisoc (9:29:07 PM): i would have been fine with that bro
ressang (9:29:38 PM): heheh
coolphyre (9:30:56 PM): test
ressang (9:31:05 PM): reply
edgarallans (9:31:22 PM): New England Defense is up... submitted by
Clemente for .10
maperseveranda (9:31:34 PM): im out again
nyofacefootball (9:31:52 PM): clemente opens at .10
nyofacefootball (9:31:54 PM): ur up edgar
edgarallans (9:32:00 PM): Vince obviously passes... edgar passes and
leo passes... unfortunately.
markymarkf (9:32:04 PM): .20
nyofacefootball (9:32:09 PM): .3
ressang (9:32:20 PM): I pass the on the same bye week as my Niners
nyofacefootball (9:32:41 PM): pretty good research dudes
nyofacefootball (9:32:54 PM): tone, melvin is out w/ 2 defenses
atpalisoc (9:33:03 PM): .4
nyofacefootball (9:33:23 PM): eli pass w/ 2 defenses
Yahoo! Messenger: coolphyre has left the conference.
improvise707 (9:33:26 PM): .5
nyofacefootball (9:33:34 PM): ron dropped... hold on
Yahoo! Messenger: coolphyre has joined the conference.
nyofacefootball (9:34:24 PM): ron ur up... .5 for new england defense
coolphyre (9:34:33 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:34:37 PM): .6
markymarkf (9:34:42 PM): .70
nyofacefootball (9:34:45 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:35:00 PM): tony, pat, clemente and mark
atpalisoc (9:35:04 PM): pass
improvise707 (9:35:07 PM): .8
clementetorres (9:35:14 PM): .9
nyofacefootball (9:35:48 PM): mark???
nyofacefootball (9:37:09 PM): maybe a potty break...
Yahoo! Messenger (9:37:22 PM): markymarkf has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger (9:37:22 PM): markymarkf has joined the conference.
nyofacefootball (9:37:31 PM): mark, .9 for ne d
nyofacefootball (9:37:43 PM): pat and clemente are in... tony passes
markymarkf (9:37:43 PM): oh man what did I miss? LOL
markymarkf (9:37:48 PM): 1.00
improvise707 (9:37:55 PM): 1.10
clementetorres (9:37:58 PM): 1.2
ressang (9:38:00 PM): hehe
ressang (9:38:06 PM): ill be there
markymarkf (9:38:50 PM): 1.30
improvise707 (9:38:56 PM): 1.4
clementetorres (9:39:00 PM): 1.5
markymarkf (9:39:05 PM): 1.60
improvise707 (9:39:16 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:39:25 PM): 1.7
Yahoo! Messenger: coolphyre has joined the conference.
markymarkf (9:39:38 PM): 1.80
clementetorres (9:39:48 PM): 1.9
ressang (9:39:54 PM): going to melvins house see you guys in a bit
markymarkf (9:39:55 PM): 2.00
Yahoo! Messenger: ressang has left the conference.
clementetorres (9:40:14 PM): 2.1
maperseveranda (9:40:16 PM): he passes til Curtis Martin
markymarkf (9:40:20 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:40:31 PM): clemente signs ne d for 2.10
markymarkf (9:40:51 PM): sorry about that...I think I had technical
edgarallans (9:41:00 PM): underrated 'd'... they got our boy,
nyofacefootball (9:41:03 PM): thought so... cool
nyofacefootball (9:41:20 PM): clemente, new england fills up ur
starting lineup
nyofacefootball (9:41:31 PM): uv got 8.00 left w/ 5 bench players
nyofacefootball (9:42:00 PM): warrick dunn is up... vince opens at .10
clementetorres (9:42:08 PM): thats not right
clementetorres (9:42:30 PM): I have 6 bench players
edgarallans (9:42:36 PM): .20 edgar
edgarallans (9:42:44 PM): .30 leo
nyofacefootball (9:42:47 PM): i may not have updated ur roster
clementetorres (9:42:50 PM): ok
markymarkf (9:42:57 PM): .40
nyofacefootball (9:43:00 PM): .50
maperseveranda (9:43:13 PM): ress passes
maperseveranda (9:43:18 PM): i pass
atpalisoc (9:43:19 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:43:31 PM): didn't list rod smith from last night
clementetorres (9:43:37 PM): ok
nyofacefootball (9:43:51 PM): clemente has 5.30 left after 14
nyofacefootball (9:44:22 PM): eli passes
improvise707 (9:44:28 PM): .6
coolphyre (9:44:30 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:44:35 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:44:55 PM): lemme get ahold of vince
atpalisoc (9:45:17 PM): vince pass
edgarallans (9:45:20 PM): pass edgar and leo...
markymarkf (9:45:34 PM): pass
markymarkf (9:47:05 PM): hello?
coolphyre (9:47:15 PM): test
markymarkf (9:47:23 PM): testing testing
markymarkf (9:47:30 PM): I hear you Ron...
markymarkf (9:47:33 PM): anybody else?
maperseveranda (9:47:38 PM): im here
improvise707 (9:47:49 PM): present
edgarallans (9:47:56 PM): i'm here... Just waiting on JF
markymarkf (9:48:11 PM): ok cool
markymarkf (9:48:17 PM): thought I got bumped off again
coolphyre (9:48:24 PM): tell me about it
coolphyre (9:48:28 PM): got bumped twice
nyofacefootball (9:48:28 PM): ok
nyofacefootball (9:48:49 PM): is it .6 to me?
markymarkf (9:48:51 PM): ok, where are we?
improvise707 (9:48:56 PM): yeah
improvise707 (9:48:57 PM): so pass
improvise707 (9:48:58 PM): hahaha
nyofacefootball (9:49:10 PM): i see patrick at .6 and everyone passed
after him
edgarallans (9:49:14 PM): yes... .6 to JF
improvise707 (9:49:18 PM): so pass jf
coolphyre (9:49:28 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:49:33 PM): heads up right patrick?
nyofacefootball (9:49:40 PM): .7
improvise707 (9:49:56 PM): .8
nyofacefootball (9:50:03 PM): .9
improvise707 (9:50:14 PM): 1.00
nyofacefootball (9:50:37 PM): 1.1
improvise707 (9:50:47 PM): 1.2
nyofacefootball (9:51:12 PM): 1.3
improvise707 (9:51:19 PM): 1.4
nyofacefootball (9:51:37 PM): ok this is my last bid, 1.5
improvise707 (9:51:44 PM): 1.6
nyofacefootball (9:51:50 PM): ok lemme think this over
nyofacefootball (9:52:15 PM): 1.7
improvise707 (9:52:51 PM): 1.8
coolphyre (9:53:31 PM): hello?
maperseveranda (9:53:35 PM): thinking
maperseveranda (9:53:41 PM): suspense
nyofacefootball (9:53:41 PM): 1.9
maperseveranda (9:53:44 PM): oooooooh
maperseveranda (9:54:00 PM): *suspense
improvise707 (9:54:03 PM): my groin!!!!
maperseveranda (9:54:16 PM): what the
coolphyre (9:54:20 PM): tick tock tick tock
improvise707 (9:54:21 PM): 2.00
maperseveranda (9:54:27 PM): oh man
atpalisoc (9:54:53 PM): i'll be back..
nyofacefootball (9:55:31 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:55:31 PM): wow
improvise707 (9:55:41 PM): holy schmoly
maperseveranda (9:55:47 PM): man
improvise707 (9:55:48 PM): a whole 2.60 left
improvise707 (9:56:09 PM): my head is hot... this salary cap is too
improvise707 (9:56:16 PM): ba da bum psh
nyofacefootball (9:56:28 PM): yup pat has 2.60 left w/ brees, dunn
and stallworth on the bench
nyofacefootball (9:56:50 PM): curtis martin is up
nyofacefootball (9:57:01 PM): edgar opens at .10
edgarallans (9:57:11 PM): .20 leo
markymarkf (9:57:13 PM): .30
nyofacefootball (9:57:17 PM): .4
maperseveranda (9:57:22 PM): ress .5
maperseveranda (9:57:24 PM): .6
atpalisoc (9:57:29 PM): .7
nyofacefootball (9:57:41 PM): eli .8
improvise707 (9:57:47 PM): pass
coolphyre (9:57:48 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:57:51 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:58:13 PM): Vince passes?
atpalisoc (9:58:19 PM): yup
atpalisoc (9:58:23 PM): vince pass
edgarallans (9:58:27 PM): ok... edgar 1.00
edgarallans (9:58:32 PM): 1.10 leo
markymarkf (9:58:35 PM): 1.2
nyofacefootball (9:58:40 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:58:49 PM): pass
atpalisoc (9:58:51 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:58:52 PM): 1.3
maperseveranda (9:58:54 PM): ress pass
maperseveranda (9:58:57 PM): im 1.3
nyofacefootball (9:59:01 PM): eli pass
maperseveranda (9:59:02 PM): sorry
edgarallans (9:59:13 PM): 1.40 edgar
edgarallans (9:59:17 PM): 1.50 leo
markymarkf (9:59:20 PM): 1.60
Yahoo! Messenger (9:59:39 PM): clementetorres has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger (9:59:39 PM): clementetorres has joined the
maperseveranda (9:59:49 PM): whos in it still? is it me?
improvise707 (9:59:55 PM): i'm out for the rest of the night y'all
improvise707 (10:00:00 PM): good luck till next week
nyofacefootball (10:00:01 PM): l8r pat
maperseveranda (10:00:04 PM): later man
improvise707 (10:00:04 PM): payce y'all
coolphyre (10:00:10 PM): l8r
atpalisoc (10:00:15 PM): peace
markymarkf (10:00:21 PM): later dude
clementetorres (10:00:22 PM): take care
maperseveranda (10:00:25 PM): 1.7
edgarallans (10:00:40 PM): 1.80 edgar
edgarallans (10:00:46 PM): pass leo
markymarkf (10:00:49 PM): 1.90
maperseveranda (10:01:13 PM): 2
edgarallans (10:01:20 PM): 2.10 edgar
markymarkf (10:01:25 PM): 2.20
maperseveranda (10:01:37 PM): 2.3
edgarallans (10:01:40 PM): pass edgar
markymarkf (10:01:44 PM): 2.40
maperseveranda (10:01:46 PM): 2.5
Yahoo! Messenger (10:01:50 PM): improvise707 has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger (10:02:07 PM): vtownvinny has joined the conference.
markymarkf (10:02:07 PM): 2.6
maperseveranda (10:02:09 PM): 2.7
markymarkf (10:02:11 PM): 2.8
maperseveranda (10:02:15 PM): 2.9
markymarkf (10:02:16 PM): 3
nyofacefootball (10:02:22 PM): wow
vtownvinny (10:02:35 PM): whos this
maperseveranda (10:02:36 PM): hmm
maperseveranda (10:02:49 PM): now i kno how the yankees are with all
the money
maperseveranda (10:02:56 PM): 3.1
markymarkf (10:03:04 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:03:29 PM): yay
atpalisoc (10:03:51 PM): what's mel's cap?
nyofacefootball (10:04:02 PM): melvin signs curtis martin for 3.1
nyofacefootball (10:04:28 PM): melvin has 4.00 left 11
maperseveranda (10:05:21 PM): still better than yours man
maperseveranda (10:05:22 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (10:05:24 PM): 3rd rb in a row, james stewart
nyofacefootball (10:05:36 PM): leo opens at .10
nyofacefootball (10:05:48 PM): mark is up
atpalisoc (10:05:55 PM): true dat
markymarkf (10:06:01 PM): .2
nyofacefootball (10:06:07 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:06:21 PM): ress pass
maperseveranda (10:06:22 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:06:30 PM): .3
nyofacefootball (10:06:33 PM): eli pass
coolphyre (10:06:39 PM): pass
clementetorres (10:06:44 PM): .4
vtownvinny (10:07:25 PM): pass
edgarallans (10:07:33 PM): .50 edgar
edgarallans (10:07:36 PM): .60 leo
markymarkf (10:07:38 PM): .70
nyofacefootball (10:07:56 PM): clemente, edgar, leo, mark
atpalisoc (10:08:09 PM): and me
nyofacefootball (10:08:17 PM): sorry bro
edgarallans (10:08:24 PM): then you're next tone
atpalisoc (10:09:19 PM): .8
clementetorres (10:09:27 PM): .9
edgarallans (10:09:38 PM): 1.00 edgar
edgarallans (10:09:41 PM): pass leo
markymarkf (10:09:45 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:09:52 PM): pass
edgarallans (10:10:24 PM): Jollibees are waiting, Clemente
edgarallans (10:10:34 PM):
clementetorres (10:10:44 PM): sorry...pass
nyofacefootball (10:10:56 PM): edgar signs stewart for 1.00... not bad
clementetorres (10:11:06 PM): good deal
edgarallans (10:11:09 PM): cool... been a while since I last signed
nyofacefootball (10:11:58 PM): edgar has 4.50 left after 11
nyofacefootball (10:12:34 PM): te kyle brady is up
nyofacefootball (10:12:40 PM): mark opens at .10
nyofacefootball (10:12:42 PM): i pass
nyofacefootball (10:13:40 PM): ress and melvin
maperseveranda (10:13:43 PM): we pass
atpalisoc (10:13:52 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:14:07 PM): eli pass
coolphyre (10:14:44 PM): pass
edgarallans (10:14:54 PM): pass edgar
clementetorres (10:14:57 PM): .2
edgarallans (10:14:57 PM): oops
vtownvinny (10:14:58 PM): .2
vtownvinny (10:15:02 PM): .3
edgarallans (10:15:07 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (10:15:10 PM): pass leo
markymarkf (10:15:16 PM): pass
clementetorres (10:15:29 PM): .4
vtownvinny (10:15:40 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:16:35 PM): anytime now... need to go to bed before 12:00
nyofacefootball (10:16:37 PM): clemente signs brady for .40
atpalisoc (10:17:21 PM): giants d up jf bid $.10
nyofacefootball (10:17:43 PM): clemente has 4.90 left... u can't bid
on te's anymore
atpalisoc (10:17:45 PM): ress your up to bid...
maperseveranda (10:18:02 PM): .20
maperseveranda (10:18:05 PM): for ress
clementetorres (10:18:14 PM): TE's too
atpalisoc (10:18:25 PM): mel?
maperseveranda (10:18:33 PM): i have two D
atpalisoc (10:18:35 PM): .3
coolphyre (10:18:39 PM): .4
clementetorres (10:18:45 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:19:07 PM): vince ur up
maperseveranda (10:19:08 PM): so u can have as many of any other
position except k D TE?
clementetorres (10:19:19 PM): cool
nyofacefootball (10:19:20 PM): yes
vtownvinny (10:19:20 PM): pass
edgarallans (10:19:25 PM): love the defense, but edgar and leo have
to pass
markymarkf (10:19:32 PM): .50
nyofacefootball (10:19:32 PM): no, kicker and defense
nyofacefootball (10:19:38 PM): sorry i'm getting tired
maperseveranda (10:19:40 PM): How bout for ress, where cortez might
not even be playing
nyofacefootball (10:19:42 PM): no limit on te's
maperseveranda (10:19:50 PM): ooooh ok
nyofacefootball (10:19:51 PM): my mind was on something else!
clementetorres (10:19:52 PM): ok...thanks
maperseveranda (10:20:00 PM): te was wierd
atpalisoc (10:20:02 PM): kitana baker?
maperseveranda (10:20:05 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (10:20:05 PM): lol
edgarallans (10:20:11 PM): didnt you just tell clemente that he's
max'd out on te's though?
nyofacefootball (10:20:14 PM): i pass on nyg d
nyofacefootball (10:20:27 PM): and i just corrected myself
edgarallans (10:20:31 PM): oh
edgarallans (10:20:40 PM): ok, please proceed
maperseveranda (10:21:11 PM): .50 ress
atpalisoc (10:21:21 PM): pass
markymarkf (10:21:23 PM): I bid .50
nyofacefootball (10:21:33 PM): isnt' ron still in?
coolphyre (10:21:36 PM): yes
coolphyre (10:21:39 PM): whats the last bid
maperseveranda (10:21:40 PM): oh ok
maperseveranda (10:21:43 PM): i am sorry ress
coolphyre (10:21:47 PM): there are 2,.50cents
nyofacefootball (10:22:03 PM): so it's .50 to you ron
coolphyre (10:22:09 PM): .6
nyofacefootball (10:22:27 PM): now mark
markymarkf (10:22:42 PM): .70
maperseveranda (10:22:49 PM): RESS PASSes
coolphyre (10:22:54 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:23:12 PM): mark signs giants d for a bargain, .70
edgarallans (10:23:18 PM): good deal mark... good thing you passed on
pats d earlier
markymarkf (10:23:32 PM): yeah
edgarallans (10:23:40 PM): giants d just as good as pats, if not
nyofacefootball (10:23:45 PM): mark has 11.30 left after 8
coolphyre (10:23:57 PM): im outta here, see you guys next week
nyofacefootball (10:24:04 PM): l8r ron
atpalisoc (10:24:05 PM): l8
markymarkf (10:24:07 PM): bye bye
Yahoo! Messenger (10:24:14 PM): coolphyre has left the conference.
nyofacefootball (10:24:21 PM): wr joe jurevicius is up
nyofacefootball (10:24:24 PM): ress opens at .10
maperseveranda (10:24:44 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:24:48 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:24:55 PM): eli pass
nyofacefootball (10:25:01 PM): ron and pat are gone
clementetorres (10:25:06 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:25:52 PM): vince is up
maperseveranda (10:26:01 PM): whos next?
nyofacefootball (10:26:14 PM): he passes
edgarallans (10:26:17 PM): .20 edgar
edgarallans (10:26:20 PM): .30 leo
markymarkf (10:26:25 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:26:29 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:26:38 PM): pass RESS
edgarallans (10:26:56 PM): pass edgar -- my turn right?
nyofacefootball (10:27:00 PM): hehe
nyofacefootball (10:27:04 PM): yup
edgarallans (10:27:13 PM): ok .30 to leo
edgarallans (10:27:19 PM): he can have him!
nyofacefootball (10:27:22 PM): lol
atpalisoc (10:27:25 PM): LOL!
maperseveranda (10:27:39 PM): hahahahhhha
nyofacefootball (10:27:41 PM): wait, edgar ur up before leo
nyofacefootball (10:27:50 PM): so edgar signs jurevicius
edgarallans (10:27:52 PM): right, I passed
edgarallans (10:28:07 PM): i bid at .20 and then i passed later on
nyofacefootball (10:28:07 PM): u wrote .30 to leo
nyofacefootball (10:28:16 PM): ok
atpalisoc (10:28:18 PM): no i think leo's max is .2
nyofacefootball (10:28:25 PM): jus messin wid ya
maperseveranda (10:28:29 PM): lol
edgarallans (10:28:33 PM): ehehehe
nyofacefootball (10:29:07 PM): leo has 7.20 left after 11
edgarallans (10:29:25 PM): not right... we'll figure it out later...
nyofacefootball (10:29:29 PM): az-zahir hakim, wr, is up
edgarallans (10:29:30 PM): don't worry about it..
nyofacefootball (10:29:41 PM): i may have missed something from last
nyofacefootball (10:29:51 PM): let me get this bid started and i'll
maperseveranda (10:29:57 PM): he should have 6 bucks left
edgarallans (10:30:06 PM): don't worry about it... i
nyofacefootball (10:30:07 PM): melvin opens .10 on hakim... otne
atpalisoc (10:30:18 PM): pass from otne
nyofacefootball (10:30:36 PM): eli pass
Yahoo! Messenger (10:30:41 PM): vtownvinny has joined the conference.
edgarallans (10:31:17 PM): is clemente still on board here? I think
ron and pat are gone,..
nyofacefootball (10:31:20 PM): i was looking at another team's cap
nyofacefootball (10:31:23 PM): leo has 6.20 left
nyofacefootball (10:31:35 PM): clemente dropped it think
atpalisoc (10:31:36 PM): must have been mine.
Yahoo! Messenger (10:31:57 PM): clementetorres has joined the
nyofacefootball (10:32:00 PM): lol
clementetorres (10:32:12 PM): that was wierd
edgarallans (10:32:19 PM): clemente is back?
nyofacefootball (10:32:22 PM): clemente, az hakim, wr, is up... .10
to you
clementetorres (10:32:28 PM): pass
edgarallans (10:32:29 PM): ok... .10 to you buddy
edgarallans (10:32:34 PM): Vince is up
vtownvinny (10:32:38 PM): .2
edgarallans (10:32:46 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (10:32:49 PM): .30 leo
markymarkf (10:33:05 PM): 0.40
nyofacefootball (10:33:07 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:33:18 PM): ress pass
maperseveranda (10:33:20 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:33:36 PM): vince, edgar and mark
vtownvinny (10:33:56 PM): .5
edgarallans (10:33:58 PM): pass leo and pass edgar
markymarkf (10:34:02 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:34:13 PM): on hakim?
nyofacefootball (10:34:16 PM): vince signs hakim for .50
vtownvinny (10:34:25 PM): id u want him
maperseveranda (10:34:34 PM): what?
vtownvinny (10:34:38 PM): mark
markymarkf (10:34:44 PM): huh?
maperseveranda (10:35:01 PM): i just put him out there
maperseveranda (10:35:03 PM): haha
nyofacefootball (10:35:12 PM): vince has 6.60 left after 10
atpalisoc (10:35:16 PM): lol
maperseveranda (10:35:19 PM): i wanted him
maperseveranda (10:35:21 PM): for .10
nyofacefootball (10:35:29 PM): last 5 players
nyofacefootball (10:35:36 PM): James Thrash is up
nyofacefootball (10:35:42 PM): Tony opens at .10
nyofacefootball (10:35:48 PM): eli .20
nyofacefootball (10:36:08 PM): clemente, ur after eli now since pat
and ron are gone
clementetorres (10:36:21 PM): sorry...pass
edgarallans (10:36:57 PM): pass edgar and pass leo... after Vince,
that is...
nyofacefootball (10:36:58 PM): vince u there?
markymarkf (10:37:10 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:37:38 PM): is that for vince mark?
markymarkf (10:37:45 PM): oh no, sorry, that's for me
nyofacefootball (10:38:24 PM): guess vince passes
nyofacefootball (10:38:33 PM): i pass
vtownvinny (10:38:42 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:38:59 PM): ress and melvin
maperseveranda (10:39:02 PM): we pass
atpalisoc (10:39:04 PM): .3
maperseveranda (10:39:04 PM): sorry
vtownvinny (10:39:14 PM): sorry guys babysitting da 3 boys
nyofacefootball (10:39:34 PM): eli will pass
maperseveranda (10:39:38 PM): headaches?
maperseveranda (10:39:59 PM): are u by yourself vince
nyofacefootball (10:40:00 PM): guess that's tony for thrash at .30
atpalisoc (10:40:17 PM): cool....
nyofacefootball (10:41:01 PM): tony has 1.10 left after 13
nyofacefootball (10:41:15 PM): rb stacey mack is up
atpalisoc (10:41:16 PM): yeah bo....
nyofacefootball (10:41:30 PM): eli opens at .10.... clemente?
clementetorres (10:41:37 PM): .2
edgarallans (10:41:52 PM): Vince?
vtownvinny (10:42:07 PM): .3
edgarallans (10:42:13 PM): .40 edgar
edgarallans (10:42:16 PM): pass leo
markymarkf (10:42:29 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:42:30 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:42:34 PM): ress pass
maperseveranda (10:42:35 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:42:41 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:42:45 PM): eli pass
clementetorres (10:42:49 PM): .5
vtownvinny (10:42:52 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:43:03 PM): clemente signs stacey mack for .50
edgarallans (10:43:12 PM): uh, wait
nyofacefootball (10:43:19 PM): huh
edgarallans (10:43:23 PM): ok then... i guess i pass
nyofacefootball (10:43:25 PM): sorry
nyofacefootball (10:43:43 PM): u can still bid edgar
edgarallans (10:43:49 PM): .60 edgar
clementetorres (10:43:58 PM): .7
edgarallans (10:44:06 PM): now i pass...
nyofacefootball (10:44:10 PM): hehe
nyofacefootball (10:44:26 PM): clemente for mack for .70
edgarallans (10:44:26 PM): had to ride 1 up on you, clemente
clementetorres (10:44:35 PM): I hear ya
clementetorres (10:44:40 PM): all good
nyofacefootball (10:45:13 PM): clemente has 4.20 left after 16
nyofacefootball (10:45:25 PM): wr chad johnson is up
nyofacefootball (10:45:29 PM): patrick opens at .10
edgarallans (10:45:37 PM): what team is he on please?
nyofacefootball (10:45:38 PM): clemente ur up
clementetorres (10:45:45 PM): .2
nyofacefootball (10:45:46 PM): he's on the bungles
vtownvinny (10:45:51 PM): .3
edgarallans (10:45:57 PM): thanks... pass edgar and pass leo
clementetorres (10:45:57 PM): Cincy...I think
markymarkf (10:46:03 PM): .40
nyofacefootball (10:46:06 PM): .5
nyofacefootball (10:46:15 PM): ress and melvin
maperseveranda (10:46:18 PM): ress .6
maperseveranda (10:46:21 PM): .7
atpalisoc (10:46:25 PM): .9
nyofacefootball (10:46:42 PM): eli 1
clementetorres (10:46:46 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:46:48 PM): pat passes
nyofacefootball (10:47:06 PM): vince, mark, jf, ress, melvin, tony,
vtownvinny (10:47:13 PM): 1.1
markymarkf (10:47:20 PM): 1.20
nyofacefootball (10:47:22 PM): 1.3
maperseveranda (10:47:40 PM): ress pass
maperseveranda (10:47:52 PM): 1.4
atpalisoc (10:47:54 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:48:00 PM): eli pass
nyofacefootball (10:48:42 PM): vince, mark, jf, melvin
vtownvinny (10:48:45 PM): 1.5
markymarkf (10:48:51 PM): 1.60
nyofacefootball (10:48:53 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:48:58 PM): pass
vtownvinny (10:49:19 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:49:46 PM): mark gets johnson for 1.6?
nyofacefootball (10:49:48 PM): mark signs chad johnson for 1.60...
pretty good deal
atpalisoc (10:49:55 PM): DAMN!!!!
clementetorres (10:49:57 PM): yes it is
maperseveranda (10:49:58 PM): nice
edgarallans (10:49:59 PM): what, is this guy supposed to be a
sleeper? seems like a lot of money for a team with a rookie QB
markymarkf (10:50:02 PM): dam, I wanted him cheaper LOL
maperseveranda (10:50:10 PM): he was there man
atpalisoc (10:50:14 PM): I HAD HIM LAST YEAR. HE WAS A BAD ASS...
markymarkf (10:50:15 PM): damn it Vince
clementetorres (10:50:16 PM): he had a hell of a 2002
markymarkf (10:50:19 PM): LOL
atpalisoc (10:50:26 PM): good job mark
atpalisoc (10:50:39 PM): pays to wait til everyone leaves the auction
atpalisoc (10:50:42 PM): LOL
clementetorres (10:50:57 PM): I read that experts thinks he might be
a 1 hit wonder
edgarallans (10:50:58 PM): more like GOOD LUCK with him! with Palmer
at helm for 1st year
clementetorres (10:51:01 PM): I dought it
nyofacefootball (10:51:05 PM): vince has 9.70 left after 9
nyofacefootball (10:51:21 PM): it'll be kitna this year
edgarallans (10:51:31 PM): not much better there
markymarkf (10:51:35 PM): hey, I got him, right?
atpalisoc (10:51:35 PM): yup ... and johnson's his favorite target
clementetorres (10:51:39 PM): at least the first few games
nyofacefootball (10:51:48 PM): qb tommy maddox is up
atpalisoc (10:51:49 PM): i forgot to put in my bid
atpalisoc (10:51:57 PM): for johnson...
nyofacefootball (10:52:08 PM): ron opens at .10
clementetorres (10:52:14 PM): .2
vtownvinny (10:52:17 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:52:24 PM): u were at ur max at .90 tone
edgarallans (10:52:24 PM): .30 edgar
edgarallans (10:52:32 PM): .40 leo
markymarkf (10:52:33 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:52:49 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:52:54 PM): trying..
maperseveranda (10:52:59 PM): .5 for ress
maperseveranda (10:53:01 PM): i pass
atpalisoc (10:53:08 PM): .6
nyofacefootball (10:53:19 PM): eli passes
clementetorres (10:53:23 PM): .7
maperseveranda (10:53:25 PM): why u trying to budget tony?
maperseveranda (10:53:31 PM): resss says
edgarallans (10:53:31 PM): pass edgar and pass leo
maperseveranda (10:53:32 PM): lol
atpalisoc (10:53:50 PM): .8
clementetorres (10:53:59 PM): .9
maperseveranda (10:54:04 PM): ress turn
maperseveranda (10:54:07 PM): wait
clementetorres (10:54:10 PM): sorry
atpalisoc (10:54:14 PM): sorry
maperseveranda (10:54:22 PM): ress at .8
atpalisoc (10:54:27 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:54:35 PM): and good nite fellas....
clementetorres (10:54:37 PM): .9
clementetorres (10:54:40 PM): l8tr
nyofacefootball (10:54:51 PM): l8r
Yahoo! Messenger (10:55:04 PM): atpalisoc has left the conference.
maperseveranda (10:55:09 PM): 1 ress
clementetorres (10:55:25 PM): 1.1
maperseveranda (10:55:38 PM): 1.2
clementetorres (10:55:50 PM): 1.3
maperseveranda (10:55:58 PM): 1.4
clementetorres (10:56:20 PM): 1.5
maperseveranda (10:56:22 PM): 1.6
maperseveranda (10:56:30 PM): 1.8
clementetorres (10:56:51 PM): ewww
nyofacefootball (10:57:12 PM): it's 1.6 to clemente right?
maperseveranda (10:57:24 PM): ress 1.6
clementetorres (10:57:34 PM): 1.7
maperseveranda (10:57:39 PM): 1.8
maperseveranda (10:57:41 PM): lol
clementetorres (10:57:49 PM): 1.9
maperseveranda (10:57:54 PM): 2
nyofacefootball (10:57:54 PM): he's a bargain at his price
maperseveranda (10:58:05 PM): comments to yourself please
clementetorres (10:58:06 PM): 2.1
maperseveranda (10:58:07 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (10:58:08 PM): lol
maperseveranda (10:58:11 PM): 2.2
clementetorres (10:58:19 PM): 2.3
maperseveranda (10:58:40 PM): 2.4
maperseveranda (10:59:10 PM): u dont really need him
clementetorres (10:59:10 PM): U really want this guy don't you
maperseveranda (10:59:14 PM): lol
maperseveranda (10:59:22 PM): maybe
maperseveranda (10:59:25 PM): maybe not
clementetorres (10:59:35 PM): I hear ya...but would be nice with
maperseveranda (10:59:38 PM):
clementetorres (10:59:42 PM): U can have him
clementetorres (10:59:46 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:59:50 PM):
maperseveranda (10:59:56 PM):
maperseveranda (10:59:59 PM): yay
maperseveranda (11:00:01 PM): all mine
nyofacefootball (11:00:02 PM): ress signs tommy maddox for 2.40
maperseveranda (11:00:14 PM): limit was 3
edgarallans (11:00:28 PM): we'll see if last year was an aberration
for him...
maperseveranda (11:00:39 PM): but its in red so its all good
maperseveranda (11:00:53 PM): but who else is there for pittsburgh
right now
maperseveranda (11:00:56 PM): nomore bettis
nyofacefootball (11:00:59 PM): ress has 4.30 left after 12
maperseveranda (11:01:02 PM): all burress and ward
edgarallans (11:01:03 PM): right
nyofacefootball (11:01:07 PM): guess that makes kordell his b/u
edgarallans (11:01:09 PM): Amos Zeroue!
clementetorres (11:01:12 PM): yup
maperseveranda (11:01:24 PM): zeroue is gonna bust
maperseveranda (11:01:25 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (11:01:32 PM): last player for bids
edgarallans (11:01:33 PM): Chris fuu matuu maaa faallaaa
nyofacefootball (11:01:50 PM): k jason elam is up... clemente opens
at .10
vtownvinny (11:01:53 PM): .2
edgarallans (11:01:57 PM): .3 edgar
maperseveranda (11:01:59 PM): theres two vinces and two clementes
edgarallans (11:01:59 PM): .4 leo
maperseveranda (11:02:02 PM): on the side
markymarkf (11:02:03 PM): .50
nyofacefootball (11:02:06 PM): pass
maperseveranda (11:02:11 PM): both me and ress pass
maperseveranda (11:02:20 PM): nite yall
nyofacefootball (11:02:21 PM): eli passes
clementetorres (11:02:22 PM): I was kicked out twice...
nyofacefootball (11:02:25 PM): nite
maperseveranda (11:02:26 PM): we outs
vtownvinny (11:02:30 PM): pass
maperseveranda (11:02:31 PM): peace
Yahoo! Messenger (11:02:33 PM): maperseveranda has left the
edgarallans (11:02:41 PM): who's left now then?
nyofacefootball (11:02:51 PM): edgar, leo and mark
edgarallans (11:02:51 PM): me clemente and leo?
clementetorres (11:02:56 PM): you guys skipped me
nyofacefootball (11:03:02 PM): clemente
clementetorres (11:03:14 PM): I pass...don't need to be fined again
edgarallans (11:03:32 PM): hehehe. .60 edgar
nyofacefootball (11:03:33 PM): lol
edgarallans (11:03:43 PM): pass leo
edgarallans (11:03:50 PM): your move Mark
markymarkf (11:03:54 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (11:04:09 PM): edgar signs a damn great kicker for .60
edgarallans (11:04:20 PM): yes
clementetorres (11:04:21 PM): U won that battle bro
clementetorres (11:04:30 PM): thats a hella deal
edgarallans (11:04:33 PM): good thing everyone else jumped off early
markymarkf (11:04:40 PM): true
markymarkf (11:04:45 PM): LOL
edgarallans (11:04:46 PM): that's why i stay up late
nyofacefootball (11:04:57 PM): edgar has the best set of 2 kickers in
elam and akers
clementetorres (11:05:07 PM): nite guys.....gonna finish this report
edgarallans (11:05:12 PM): not much to brag about thought
markymarkf (11:05:13 PM): goodnight
nyofacefootball (11:05:14 PM): edgar has 3.90 left after 12
nyofacefootball (11:05:16 PM): nite all
edgarallans (11:05:17 PM): g nite
clementetorres (11:05:28 PM): o by the way
edgarallans (11:05:29 PM): 2 sessions next week jf?
nyofacefootball (11:05:41 PM): i think so
nyofacefootball (11:05:44 PM): i'll have to check
clementetorres (11:05:44 PM): what happened to the e-mail bidding
nyofacefootball (11:05:51 PM): it's all online
edgarallans (11:06:10 PM): can't we continue e-mail though?
edgarallans (11:06:25 PM): I wrote a question to you about that
earlier today...
clementetorres (11:06:30 PM): and have it continue on YIM
nyofacefootball (11:06:32 PM): i'll answer in the am
edgarallans (11:06:40 PM): ok...
edgarallans (11:06:45 PM): g nite then...
clementetorres (11:06:51 PM): cool deal...nite guys
nyofacefootball (11:06:56 PM): haven't checked my emails
markymarkf (11:06:59 PM): ok, goodnight all
nyofacefootball (11:07:00 PM): i'm ready to sleep
Yahoo! Messenger (11:07:04 PM): clementetorres has left the
Yahoo! Messenger (11:07:05 PM): edgarallans has left the conference.
nyofacefootball (11:07:05 PM): thx guys
Yahoo! Messenger (11:07:11 PM): markymarkf has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: You are now logged into voice conference -
Yahoo! Messenger: ressang has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: eddufloth has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: edgarallans has joined the conference.
ressang (8:00:35 PM): YO
Yahoo! Messenger: atpalisoc has joined the conference.
ressang (8:00:56 PM): i biddin for melvin till he gets home
nyofacefootball (8:01:01 PM): hey guys
nyofacefootball (8:01:09 PM): mark and vince are missing
nyofacefootball (8:01:14 PM): anyone hear from them?
eddufloth (8:01:15 PM): JF -- I am out this evening since my father -
in-law is in town. Go ahead and skip my picks and I will pick up
next week. Sorry but this was last minute....
eddufloth (8:01:31 PM): I mean skip my turn...
nyofacefootball (8:01:38 PM): u sure u don't waqnt to give me a list
so i can proxy?
edgarallans (8:01:44 PM): no problem with us... have a nice time of
eddufloth (8:01:50 PM): give me a sec to look it over....
ressang (8:01:58 PM): thats what melvin did
nyofacefootball (8:02:14 PM): why don't u email me a quick list to my
yahoo mail, jonjo5?
nyofacefootball (8:02:26 PM): max bids on all 12 if u can
edgarallans (8:03:00 PM): you don't have to, you know... we can
manage without you, Eli... perhaps get A-Train cheap or Curtis
Martin... ehehehe
eddufloth (8:03:35 PM): will do....
nyofacefootball (8:03:47 PM): ress, where are you, at work?
ressang (8:03:51 PM): yah
ressang (8:03:55 PM): hella BUsy why?
ressang (8:04:07 PM): oh no i am at my friends house
nyofacefootball (8:04:11 PM): jus wondering
nyofacefootball (8:04:29 PM): tone, can u call vince at home pls?
atpalisoc (8:04:32 PM): i'll proxying for vince
nyofacefootball (8:04:49 PM): did he give u his list?
atpalisoc (8:04:51 PM): i'm on the line for him
Yahoo! Messenger: improvise707 has joined the conference.
nyofacefootball (8:05:04 PM): anyone hear from mark?
atpalisoc (8:05:53 PM): not me
nyofacefootball (8:06:01 PM): tone, can u ask vince about mark pls?
atpalisoc (8:06:41 PM): we don't know
Yahoo! Messenger: markymarkf has joined the conference.
markymarkf (8:06:53 PM): thank you
edgarallans (8:06:56 PM): wow... Brad Miller going to the Sacramento
Kings for you Kings fans... Turkoglu going to Spurs...
nyofacefootball (8:06:57 PM): cool
markymarkf (8:07:11 PM): Sac Queens?
improvise707 (8:07:13 PM): what the
improvise707 (8:07:16 PM): stupid kings
improvise707 (8:07:19 PM): i HATE them
ressang (8:07:36 PM): KINGS rock
improvise707 (8:07:38 PM): man too bad we don't have our best weapon
anymore... stupid garry st. jean
markymarkf (8:07:39 PM): Crystal Webber
edgarallans (8:07:43 PM): Pollard to the Pacers
improvise707 (8:07:49 PM): three way trade?
improvise707 (8:07:50 PM): dang
markymarkf (8:07:50 PM): LOL
ressang (8:07:51 PM): DA WARRIORS #1
improvise707 (8:07:58 PM): always man
eddufloth (8:08:05 PM): JF, just sent over my picks and max
improvise707 (8:08:11 PM): but i just hate losing our best player for
the umpteenth time
Yahoo! Messenger: eddufloth has left the conference.
nyofacefootball (8:08:49 PM): i'm proxying for eli
edgarallans (8:09:05 PM): I'm proxy for Urlacher as always..
ressang (8:09:18 PM): i proxy for Bino BABA
edgarallans (8:09:44 PM): Hey, Pascualie, did you join up the league
site already?
markymarkf (8:09:53 PM): testing testing
nyofacefootball (8:09:56 PM): ok
improvise707 (8:09:56 PM): i didn't get an invite
improvise707 (8:10:04 PM): i checked my email but didn't find one
nyofacefootball (8:10:17 PM): i'm jus looking for eli's list... think
he sent to 2nd email
improvise707 (8:10:35 PM): i'd better check them all
edgarallans (8:10:56 PM): JF, don't forget to send Patrick a 2nd
invite when you have a chance tomorrow or whenever...
markymarkf (8:12:17 PM): ok, let's start
ressang (8:12:27 PM): yup
edgarallans (8:12:43 PM): on your mark, ...
markymarkf (8:12:48 PM): get set
atpalisoc (8:12:53 PM): kitana
edgarallans (8:12:54 PM): uh... go?
markymarkf (8:12:57 PM): LOL
atpalisoc (8:13:11 PM): watched the dvd again huh allan?
edgarallans (8:13:21 PM): Well... hehehe
edgarallans (8:13:32 PM): hard not to... get it?
ressang (8:13:36 PM): http://www.kitana.com/naked/103410141
improvise707 (8:13:43 PM): hahahaha
improvise707 (8:13:47 PM): what the
edgarallans (8:13:47 PM): hahaha
ressang (8:13:49 PM): hahaha
improvise707 (8:13:50 PM): is this a draft or what?
ressang (8:13:52 PM): just play
ressang (8:13:54 PM): i know
nyofacefootball (8:13:54 PM): can't find eli's emali
nyofacefootball (8:13:58 PM): we'll start
nyofacefootball (8:14:04 PM): i'll call him in a bit
ressang (8:14:11 PM): whats eli
nyofacefootball (8:14:15 PM): first up is martin grammatica
nyofacefootball (8:14:23 PM): vince opened at .1
edgarallans (8:14:31 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (8:14:35 PM): .20 leo
Yahoo! Messenger: coolphyre has joined the conference.
markymarkf (8:14:45 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:14:51 PM): .3
ressang (8:14:59 PM): .4
ressang (8:15:04 PM): melvin passses
atpalisoc (8:15:06 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:15:17 PM): eli passes
nyofacefootball (8:15:35 PM): patrick, i'm proxy for eli
improvise707 (8:16:03 PM): pass
coolphyre (8:16:07 PM): pass
edgarallans (8:16:14 PM): Clemente here?
Yahoo! Messenger: clementetorres has joined the conference.
ressang (8:16:42 PM): invite him
Yahoo! Messenger: clementetorres has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: clementetorres has joined the conference.
ressang (8:16:57 PM): there he is Gramatica at .40
clementetorres (8:16:59 PM): hey guys
ressang (8:17:04 PM): your turn
clementetorres (8:17:05 PM): .5
atpalisoc (8:17:12 PM): vince .6
edgarallans (8:17:14 PM): pass leo
nyofacefootball (8:17:22 PM): i pass
ressang (8:17:28 PM): .70
nyofacefootball (8:18:04 PM): allan, can u pls moderate? i'll try to
get ahold of eli
edgarallans (8:18:18 PM): oh ok
improvise707 (8:18:21 PM): oh no you're putting HIM in charge?
improvise707 (8:18:23 PM): hahaha jp
edgarallans (8:18:26 PM): Hey!
improvise707 (8:18:30 PM): HAHAHAHA
nyofacefootball (8:18:32 PM): ress, clemente, vince are in
nyofacefootball (8:18:37 PM): i'll be back
clementetorres (8:19:03 PM): .8
atpalisoc (8:19:05 PM): anytime allan the moderator
atpalisoc (8:19:08 PM): vince pass
ressang (8:19:14 PM): .90
edgarallans (8:19:41 PM): I think it's Clemente Ress
clementetorres (8:19:50 PM): 1.00
ressang (8:20:03 PM): 1.10
clementetorres (8:20:17 PM): 1.2
ressang (8:20:23 PM): heheh I PASS
edgarallans (8:20:34 PM): Gramatica sold to Clemente Torres!
edgarallans (8:20:48 PM): Please see Commish for Cap space figure...
nyofacefootball (8:20:52 PM): ok 1.2
ressang (8:21:23 PM): clemente he gave an average of 12 points for
the last 8 weeks of footvball last year
atpalisoc (8:21:43 PM): after he broke his knee
nyofacefootball (8:21:53 PM): clemente, don't u have janikowski and
morten andersen???
clementetorres (8:21:59 PM): yup
ressang (8:22:01 PM): lol
ressang (8:22:04 PM): reaallllly
improvise707 (8:22:12 PM): this isn't a soccer league
clementetorres (8:22:12 PM): ya
improvise707 (8:22:13 PM): hahaha
ressang (8:22:14 PM): why waste money
ressang (8:22:15 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (8:22:22 PM): guess u didn't read that u can't have a
3rd kicker
improvise707 (8:22:27 PM): it's FOOTball, not futbol
atpalisoc (8:22:30 PM): fine please...
edgarallans (8:22:37 PM): hahaha
ressang (8:22:40 PM): the i shoul have him
nyofacefootball (8:22:45 PM): i'm thinking fine myself
Yahoo! Messenger: maperseveranda has joined the conference.
atpalisoc (8:22:53 PM): vince wanted him too...
ressang (8:22:59 PM): he passed
ressang (8:23:01 PM): i win
atpalisoc (8:23:02 PM): should have been between vince and ress
maperseveranda (8:23:05 PM): sorry late
ressang (8:23:06 PM): lol..... 70
maperseveranda (8:23:08 PM): where we at?
ressang (8:23:18 PM): we are at tim brown
markymarkf (8:23:21 PM): how much is the fine?
atpalisoc (8:23:24 PM): after clemente bumped it up
atpalisoc (8:23:29 PM): rest of his cap i say
maperseveranda (8:23:31 PM): whats goin?
nyofacefootball (8:23:35 PM): no, we gotta redo grammatica with ress
and vince
nyofacefootball (8:23:52 PM): vince and ress are heads up, ress
bid .40
ressang (8:23:53 PM): ok
atpalisoc (8:24:03 PM): vince.6
ressang (8:24:10 PM): .70 RESS
atpalisoc (8:24:16 PM): he's yours
markymarkf (8:24:21 PM): LOL
ressang (8:24:21 PM): thanks
nyofacefootball (8:24:26 PM): ok, .70 to ress
ressang (8:24:39 PM): i dont think Jose Cortez is in a team..
ressang (8:24:47 PM): whats the deal with that??
nyofacefootball (8:24:52 PM): executive committe members, what do you
guys think of a $5.00 fine?
atpalisoc (8:25:00 PM): hell yeah!!!
markymarkf (8:25:02 PM): ok, off of his cap money
edgarallans (8:25:08 PM): I think we should let the rook slide for
nyofacefootball (8:25:09 PM): not his cap
ressang (8:25:14 PM): can i actually get J.Cortez
maperseveranda (8:25:17 PM): what happened?
maperseveranda (8:25:20 PM): haha im lost
clementetorres (8:25:22 PM): where's that rule
atpalisoc (8:25:35 PM): so what else is new smelly!
ressang (8:25:44 PM): clemete wanted to play FIFA
maperseveranda (8:25:46 PM): haha funny man
nyofacefootball (8:25:50 PM): i've emailed it a couple of times
nyofacefootball (8:26:24 PM): what's vince's vote tony?
ressang (8:26:28 PM): 5
ressang (8:26:30 PM): 5
ressang (8:26:30 PM): 5
clementetorres (8:26:31 PM): O I guess I missed it...sorry
ressang (8:26:31 PM): 5
atpalisoc (8:26:33 PM): vince 5
nyofacefootball (8:26:40 PM): mark what's ur vote?
markymarkf (8:26:51 PM): 5
ressang (8:26:56 PM): make it 10!
maperseveranda (8:27:00 PM): for salary cap fines?
ressang (8:27:02 PM): just kiddin
nyofacefootball (8:27:05 PM): that's majority already... i don't have
to vote
maperseveranda (8:27:05 PM): 5 soudns good
improvise707 (8:27:07 PM): fie dolla
nyofacefootball (8:27:18 PM): sorry, clemente... $5.00 fine
ressang (8:27:22 PM): added?
nyofacefootball (8:27:26 PM): not against your cap... real $
nyofacefootball (8:27:44 PM): any fines will be of the $5.00 variety
ressang (8:27:54 PM): someone had THREE D's last year
nyofacefootball (8:27:55 PM): unless, it's a cap offense... that's
ressang (8:28:03 PM): i am not going to say any names
nyofacefootball (8:28:04 PM): ok let's move on
atpalisoc (8:28:10 PM): wow...
improvise707 (8:28:23 PM): jf how much i got left?
maperseveranda (8:28:24 PM): lol
maperseveranda (8:28:28 PM): i kno who it was
ressang (8:28:37 PM): T
o n y?
ressang (8:28:44 PM): who what it?
atpalisoc (8:28:47 PM): 3 D's?
ressang (8:28:56 PM): lol
ressang (8:29:00 PM): just playin
ressang (8:29:03 PM): i forgot who it was
edgarallans (8:29:16 PM): ok guys... let's get movin... we're only on
the first guy!
ressang (8:29:20 PM): k
nyofacefootball (8:29:33 PM): ress has 8.80 left after 9
ressang (8:29:44 PM): thanks
improvise707 (8:30:11 PM): can i get a cap update for my team too jf?
ressang (8:30:35 PM): get it later
ressang (8:30:37 PM): hahahaha
coolphyre (8:30:43 PM): let move on
improvise707 (8:30:46 PM): =(
ressang (8:30:47 PM): keep on going with the draft
improvise707 (8:30:47 PM): ok
ressang (8:30:59 PM): 30 minutes for a kicker?
improvise707 (8:31:01 PM): and next is freddie jones, TE from the
ressang (8:31:12 PM): no QB
ressang (8:31:25 PM): he will be blocking all day
ressang (8:31:32 PM): for mr SHIPP
atpalisoc (8:31:44 PM): hell yeah
ressang (8:32:05 PM): if emmit is crapp
edgarallans (8:32:09 PM): let's start... I submitted for .10 so...
edgarallans (8:32:13 PM): .20 leo
edgarallans (8:32:21 PM): Mark is up...
markymarkf (8:32:25 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:32:33 PM): pass
ressang (8:32:54 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:33:00 PM): sorry, had to chat w/ an owner on the
maperseveranda (8:33:05 PM): .3
atpalisoc (8:33:10 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:33:11 PM): pat u have 4.60 left
improvise707 (8:33:16 PM): thanks
nyofacefootball (8:33:19 PM): pls note down and keep track
improvise707 (8:33:25 PM): no doubt
nyofacefootball (8:33:27 PM): eli passes
improvise707 (8:33:41 PM): pass
coolphyre (8:33:43 PM): pass
clementetorres (8:33:46 PM): pass
atpalisoc (8:33:48 PM): vince pass
edgarallans (8:33:57 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (8:33:59 PM): pass leo
nyofacefootball (8:34:01 PM): just got eli's picks.... he would have
gone to 1.40
nyofacefootball (8:34:05 PM): for grammatica
nyofacefootball (8:34:08 PM): sorry eli
ressang (8:34:17 PM): =)
maperseveranda (8:34:21 PM): dang
maperseveranda (8:34:27 PM): 1.4?
edgarallans (8:34:27 PM): I believe Melvin wins Freddie Jones
nyofacefootball (8:34:27 PM): i think i saved him anyway
maperseveranda (8:34:34 PM): yeah i think u did
nyofacefootball (8:34:42 PM): ok melvin signs freddie for 1.40
atpalisoc (8:34:46 PM): for 1.4?
ressang (8:34:46 PM): LOL
ressang (8:34:50 PM): .30
maperseveranda (8:34:50 PM): hell no
maperseveranda (8:34:52 PM): .3
ressang (8:34:53 PM): hahaahah
maperseveranda (8:34:54 PM): haha
atpalisoc (8:35:02 PM): jolley's better..
improvise707 (8:35:03 PM): almost got gypped
improvise707 (8:35:04 PM): hahaha
maperseveranda (8:35:33 PM): yeah but jones is cheaper
nyofacefootball (8:35:42 PM): melvin has 7.80 left after 9
ressang (8:35:53 PM): .30 is his bid
nyofacefootball (8:36:04 PM): cory schlesinger is up
nyofacefootball (8:36:22 PM): rb... leo opens at .1
atpalisoc (8:36:28 PM): brudha's don't make good tight ends
markymarkf (8:36:35 PM): LOL
edgarallans (8:36:38 PM): Mark is up
markymarkf (8:36:38 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:36:52 PM): hey guys let's get serious
nyofacefootball (8:37:24 PM): is .3 the winning bid for freddie?
ressang (8:37:29 PM): yes
edgarallans (8:37:30 PM): yes
maperseveranda (8:37:32 PM): yup
nyofacefootball (8:37:58 PM): lemme redo my spreadsheets... thx ress
ressang (8:38:06 PM): np
edgarallans (8:38:15 PM): JF, you are up for Schlesinger... Mark just
nyofacefootball (8:38:22 PM): that was a sarcastic thx btw
nyofacefootball (8:38:41 PM): melvin has 8.90 left
nyofacefootball (8:39:07 PM): ok schlesinger is up
nyofacefootball (8:39:13 PM): leo opens at .10
nyofacefootball (8:39:16 PM): mark is up
markymarkf (8:39:20 PM): I passed
nyofacefootball (8:39:21 PM): i pass
ressang (8:39:22 PM): PASs
maperseveranda (8:39:26 PM): pass
atpalisoc (8:39:28 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:39:48 PM): eli passes
edgarallans (8:40:23 PM): Patrick is next
improvise707 (8:40:24 PM): pass
coolphyre (8:40:26 PM): pass
clementetorres (8:40:34 PM): pass
atpalisoc (8:40:38 PM): vince pass
edgarallans (8:40:40 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (8:41:03 PM): sold to Leo
nyofacefootball (8:41:14 PM): ok .10
edgarallans (8:41:29 PM): leo has 6.70 left
nyofacefootball (8:41:43 PM): correct
nyofacefootball (8:41:53 PM): steve mcnair is up
nyofacefootball (8:42:23 PM): mark opens at .10
nyofacefootball (8:42:26 PM): i bid .20
ressang (8:42:30 PM): .40
maperseveranda (8:42:32 PM): .5
atpalisoc (8:42:40 PM): .7
nyofacefootball (8:42:56 PM): eli .8
improvise707 (8:43:00 PM): .9
coolphyre (8:43:03 PM): pass
clementetorres (8:43:07 PM): 1.
atpalisoc (8:43:13 PM): vince pass
edgarallans (8:43:14 PM): pass edgar and pass leo
markymarkf (8:43:22 PM): 1.10
nyofacefootball (8:43:27 PM): pass
ressang (8:43:30 PM): 1.20
maperseveranda (8:43:33 PM): 1.3
atpalisoc (8:43:36 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:43:37 PM): eli pass
nyofacefootball (8:44:09 PM): mark, ress, melvin
nyofacefootball (8:44:17 PM): clemente
improvise707 (8:44:33 PM): 1.4
clementetorres (8:44:37 PM): pass
markymarkf (8:44:50 PM): 1.50
ressang (8:45:03 PM): 1.70
maperseveranda (8:45:05 PM): 1.8
markymarkf (8:45:10 PM): pass
ressang (8:45:34 PM): PATRICK???
nyofacefootball (8:45:36 PM): ress and melvin
improvise707 (8:45:38 PM): pass
Yahoo! Messenger: vtownvinny has joined the conference.
ressang (8:45:50 PM): iI passs
maperseveranda (8:46:07 PM): wow
maperseveranda (8:46:13 PM): mcnair? for 1.8
nyofacefootball (8:46:14 PM): melvin signs mcnair for 1.80... not bad
atpalisoc (8:46:41 PM): won't matter anyway...
atpalisoc (8:47:05 PM): good back up tho brah..
maperseveranda (8:47:11 PM): yeah
maperseveranda (8:47:17 PM): i have mcnabb already
nyofacefootball (8:47:18 PM): that leaves melvin w/ still 7.10 after
nyofacefootball (8:47:42 PM): anthony thomas, rb, is up
nyofacefootball (8:47:47 PM): i open at .10
edgarallans (8:48:18 PM): Ress is next
ressang (8:48:19 PM): .20
maperseveranda (8:48:22 PM): .3
atpalisoc (8:48:29 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:48:42 PM): eli pass
improvise707 (8:48:53 PM): pass
coolphyre (8:48:56 PM): .4
clementetorres (8:48:59 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:49:20 PM): vince
edgarallans (8:50:05 PM): proxy?
atpalisoc (8:50:09 PM): is vince on?
nyofacefootball (8:50:13 PM): vince, u still online???
markymarkf (8:50:15 PM): vince is in the room
nyofacefootball (8:50:40 PM): think he's been having problems
atpalisoc (8:50:43 PM): my proxy duties are finished for the nite
nyofacefootball (8:50:57 PM): ur proxy may be needed now
nyofacefootball (8:51:06 PM): did he say anything about a thomas?
atpalisoc (8:51:20 PM): not too me.....
atpalisoc (8:51:23 PM): i say vince pass
nyofacefootball (8:51:30 PM): ok, edgar
edgarallans (8:51:33 PM): ok then... .50 edgar
edgarallans (8:51:38 PM): .60 leo
markymarkf (8:51:45 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (8:51:48 PM): .7
ressang (8:51:54 PM): .80
maperseveranda (8:51:58 PM): .9
maperseveranda (8:52:00 PM): sorry
nyofacefootball (8:52:15 PM): about what?
maperseveranda (8:52:22 PM): just got back
coolphyre (8:52:30 PM): am i next
maperseveranda (8:52:32 PM): watched bonds hit a foul hr
edgarallans (8:52:33 PM): yes
nyofacefootball (8:52:33 PM): yes, u r
coolphyre (8:52:38 PM): 1.00
maperseveranda (8:52:43 PM): HOMEW RUN
edgarallans (8:52:46 PM): 1.10 edgar
edgarallans (8:52:50 PM): 1.20 leo
maperseveranda (8:52:52 PM): YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
nyofacefootball (8:52:53 PM): 1.3
ressang (8:53:00 PM): passs
maperseveranda (8:53:17 PM): 1.4
nyofacefootball (8:53:20 PM): melvin
clementetorres (8:53:20 PM): Hey guys, I have to take this call....I
pass until Alstott
nyofacefootball (8:53:35 PM): ron
coolphyre (8:53:37 PM): 1.5
edgarallans (8:53:45 PM): pass edgar
nyofacefootball (8:53:49 PM): edgar, leo, jf,melvin, ron
edgarallans (8:53:51 PM): 1.60 leo
nyofacefootball (8:53:58 PM): pass
maperseveranda (8:54:24 PM): pass
coolphyre (8:54:29 PM): 1.7
nyofacefootball (8:54:40 PM): leo and ron heads up
edgarallans (8:54:48 PM): pass
edgarallans (8:54:50 PM): leo
nyofacefootball (8:54:58 PM): ron signs anthony thomas for 1.70
edgarallans (8:55:04 PM): what was your ceiling ron?
coolphyre (8:55:08 PM): that was it
edgarallans (8:55:17 PM): oh
coolphyre (8:55:34 PM): with bennet probably going under the knife, i
needed another rb
edgarallans (8:55:50 PM): he may be a sleeper pick... can't be any
worse than last year
coolphyre (8:55:56 PM): true
nyofacefootball (8:56:03 PM): ron u have 1.40 left after 14
maperseveranda (8:56:24 PM): Bonds just tied McCovey for all time
Giants HR's
nyofacefootball (8:56:32 PM): ur max bid on a player is 1.20 if ur
keeping only 16
coolphyre (8:56:43 PM): ok.
coolphyre (8:56:44 PM): thanks
atpalisoc (8:56:46 PM): damn i gave up my tix tonight for the draft
nyofacefootball (8:56:55 PM): i'm more of a mccovey fan than bonds fan
maperseveranda (8:57:05 PM): awww that sucks
nyofacefootball (8:57:11 PM): why?
maperseveranda (8:57:13 PM): history man every day
maperseveranda (8:57:17 PM): naw about tony
atpalisoc (8:57:33 PM): draft's a priority
ressang (8:57:55 PM): yes
maperseveranda (8:57:56 PM): i never saw mccovey live so I coudnt be
a bigger covey fan
nyofacefootball (8:57:57 PM): ron, ur max is .90 for the next player
if ur keeping 16
coolphyre (8:58:04 PM): understood
ressang (8:58:08 PM): its nine already
ressang (8:58:12 PM): lets fly by
nyofacefootball (8:58:13 PM): btw guys, regarding trades
nyofacefootball (8:58:21 PM): if u don't have cap space u can't trade
nyofacefootball (8:58:30 PM): and u can't activate ur college draft
atpalisoc (8:58:37 PM): we can trade draft picks tho right bro
nyofacefootball (8:58:40 PM): yup
atpalisoc (8:58:47 PM): if we don't have cap, we can't activate
nyofacefootball (8:58:57 PM): clemente is probably the one w/ cap
space to trade players
atpalisoc (8:59:03 PM): unless we drop salary/players right?
nyofacefootball (8:59:09 PM): right tone
improvise707 (8:59:10 PM): no cap space no activates
improvise707 (8:59:17 PM): to paraphrase johnnie cochran
nyofacefootball (8:59:21 PM): or trades of players
nyofacefootball (8:59:34 PM): coz of cap hits
nyofacefootball (8:59:57 PM): and u can't pick up free agenst during
the year if u have no $$$
nyofacefootball (9:00:04 PM): just wanted to reiterate
nyofacefootball (9:00:20 PM): next up is reggie wayne
nyofacefootball (9:00:31 PM): ress opens at .10
nyofacefootball (9:00:45 PM): melvin is up
maperseveranda (9:00:50 PM): .2
atpalisoc (9:00:51 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:01:10 PM): eli .3
improvise707 (9:01:20 PM): pass
coolphyre (9:01:21 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:01:40 PM): Vince is up cuz Clemente passes till Alstott
nyofacefootball (9:01:45 PM): right
vtownvinny (9:01:47 PM): i pass
vtownvinny (9:01:50 PM): for a while
edgarallans (9:01:53 PM): pass edgar and leo
markymarkf (9:01:58 PM): .40
nyofacefootball (9:02:02 PM): pass
ressang (9:02:19 PM): pspass
maperseveranda (9:02:37 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:02:48 PM): eli .5
nyofacefootball (9:03:10 PM): mark u and eli heads up
markymarkf (9:03:15 PM): .60
nyofacefootball (9:03:17 PM): .70
markymarkf (9:03:21 PM): .80
nyofacefootball (9:03:29 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:03:41 PM): mark signs wayne for .80
nyofacefootball (9:04:33 PM): mark has 12.00 left after 7
maperseveranda (9:04:40 PM): Arizona is dying
edgarallans (9:04:48 PM): dude, you still have a lot of cap space!
atpalisoc (9:04:53 PM): what's the score brah?!
nyofacefootball (9:04:56 PM): tim brown is up
maperseveranda (9:05:00 PM): only 4-0
nyofacefootball (9:05:06 PM): melvin opens at .10
maperseveranda (9:05:09 PM): but i kno their confidence is just doo
maperseveranda (9:05:19 PM): schihlling was crap last nite
atpalisoc (9:05:20 PM): my wife hugged jerome williams today
maperseveranda (9:05:25 PM): no way?
atpalisoc (9:05:29 PM): lei'd him
maperseveranda (9:05:30 PM): hes part filipino
nyofacefootball (9:05:30 PM): tony is up
improvise707 (9:05:33 PM): you better check dat homes
improvise707 (9:05:34 PM): hahaha
maperseveranda (9:05:35 PM): in case you guys didnt kno
improvise707 (9:05:35 PM): jp
atpalisoc (9:05:46 PM): .2
nyofacefootball (9:05:50 PM): eli .3
ressang (9:06:02 PM): did you want a hug to melvin
improvise707 (9:06:10 PM): patss
coolphyre (9:06:16 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:06:24 PM): yeah and some groping preferably
edgarallans (9:06:28 PM): Vince is up
ressang (9:06:32 PM): lol
maperseveranda (9:06:33 PM): lol
atpalisoc (9:06:37 PM): only if smelly took a shower
maperseveranda (9:06:44 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (9:06:51 PM): clemente is out, vince passes for
awhile edgar
edgarallans (9:06:55 PM): oh
edgarallans (9:07:01 PM): .4 edgar
edgarallans (9:07:07 PM): .50 leo
markymarkf (9:07:08 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:07:15 PM): .6
ressang (9:07:21 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:07:26 PM): pass
atpalisoc (9:07:28 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:07:32 PM): eli .7
edgarallans (9:07:38 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (9:07:48 PM): pass leo
nyofacefootball (9:08:10 PM): i'll pass and let eli have tim brown
for .7
nyofacefootball (9:09:07 PM): eli has 9.00 left after 9 players
nyofacefootball (9:09:20 PM): rb mike alstott is up
nyofacefootball (9:09:31 PM): tony opens at .10
nyofacefootball (9:09:39 PM): eli .2
improvise707 (9:09:44 PM): .3
nyofacefootball (9:10:09 PM): ron
coolphyre (9:10:22 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:10:25 PM): is Clemente back for this guy?
clementetorres (9:10:25 PM): .4
edgarallans (9:10:28 PM): ok
edgarallans (9:10:32 PM): pass edgar and leo
markymarkf (9:10:45 PM): pas
markymarkf (9:10:46 PM): s
nyofacefootball (9:10:55 PM): .5
ressang (9:11:02 PM): .7
maperseveranda (9:11:15 PM): .8 what happened to .6
atpalisoc (9:11:19 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:11:20 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (9:11:24 PM): eli passes
improvise707 (9:11:28 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:11:37 PM): .9
nyofacefootball (9:11:51 PM): 1
ressang (9:12:05 PM): 1.1
maperseveranda (9:12:14 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:12:14 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:12:19 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:12:35 PM): ress signs alstott for 1.10
ressang (9:12:55 PM): =)
nyofacefootball (9:13:08 PM): ress, u have 7.70 left after 10
clementetorres (9:13:09 PM): good deal
nyofacefootball (9:13:29 PM): alstott is listed on the bench
nyofacefootball (9:13:40 PM): after ricky and deuce
ressang (9:13:46 PM): YAH
ressang (9:13:49 PM): =)
markymarkf (9:13:52 PM): he had knee surgery
maperseveranda (9:14:09 PM): did he?
nyofacefootball (9:14:11 PM): did he?... he should still get goal
line situations
markymarkf (9:14:14 PM): yeah
atpalisoc (9:14:24 PM): oh well
atpalisoc (9:14:35 PM): i heard it was reconstuctive
nyofacefootball (9:14:44 PM): qb mark brunnell is up
nyofacefootball (9:14:53 PM): eli opens at .10
improvise707 (9:14:57 PM): pass
coolphyre (9:14:59 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:15:07 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:15:15 PM): vince still passes jf?
nyofacefootball (9:15:24 PM): he answered last time
edgarallans (9:15:33 PM): oh yeah... sorry
edgarallans (9:15:48 PM): Vince u r up
nyofacefootball (9:16:07 PM): no, i guess not... he wasn't in the
last bids
nyofacefootball (9:16:11 PM): sorry, ur up edgar
edgarallans (9:16:16 PM): ok time's up.. .20 edgar
edgarallans (9:16:19 PM): .30 leo
Yahoo! Messenger: vtownvinny has left the conference.
markymarkf (9:16:33 PM): .40
nyofacefootball (9:16:39 PM): pass
ressang (9:16:40 PM): passsssssss
maperseveranda (9:16:52 PM): pass
atpalisoc (9:16:56 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:17:00 PM): eli pass
edgarallans (9:17:11 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (9:17:15 PM): .50 leo
nyofacefootball (9:17:16 PM): leo and mark
markymarkf (9:17:21 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:17:31 PM): good deal for leo
nyofacefootball (9:17:41 PM): leo signs brunnell for .50
edgarallans (9:17:42 PM): hope Leftwich doesn't beat him out in
training camp
ressang (9:17:49 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (9:17:52 PM): no, they should wait til later
nyofacefootball (9:18:00 PM): in the season
edgarallans (9:18:41 PM): 6.20 left for leo... tennessee d is up
nyofacefootball (9:18:49 PM): correct
maperseveranda (9:18:52 PM): pass i have 2 d's
nyofacefootball (9:19:11 PM): patrick opens tennessee defense for .10
atpalisoc (9:19:12 PM): .2
nyofacefootball (9:19:19 PM): those who have 2 d's can't bid
nyofacefootball (9:19:32 PM): ron is after patrick
nyofacefootball (9:19:36 PM): .10 to you ron
coolphyre (9:19:41 PM): .2
atpalisoc (9:19:42 PM): sorry
nyofacefootball (9:19:46 PM): cool bro
clementetorres (9:19:52 PM): .3
edgarallans (9:19:57 PM): pass edgar and leo of course
markymarkf (9:20:03 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:20:06 PM): .4
ressang (9:20:12 PM): .5
ressang (9:20:27 PM): melvin check you IM from me
nyofacefootball (9:20:31 PM): tone, melvin is out
atpalisoc (9:20:31 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:20:35 PM): eli .6
improvise707 (9:20:40 PM): pass
coolphyre (9:20:42 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:20:45 PM): .7
nyofacefootball (9:20:54 PM): pass
ressang (9:21:01 PM): .80
nyofacefootball (9:21:03 PM): eli .9
nyofacefootball (9:21:15 PM): clemente, ress and eli
clementetorres (9:21:19 PM): 1.00
ressang (9:21:23 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:21:29 PM): eli 1.1
clementetorres (9:21:39 PM): 1.2
nyofacefootball (9:21:43 PM): 1.3
clementetorres (9:21:54 PM): 1.4
nyofacefootball (9:22:06 PM): 1.5
clementetorres (9:22:12 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:22:22 PM): eli signs tennesse for 1.5
edgarallans (9:22:31 PM): for Tennessee "d"?? They let go of there
best LB (Godfrey) and the Freak is always injury prone... oh well,
good luck to Eli!
atpalisoc (9:23:05 PM): but eli has the atlanta tho ...
atpalisoc (9:23:09 PM): LOL!!!
edgarallans (9:23:14 PM): hehehe
nyofacefootball (9:23:31 PM): eli has 7.5 left after 10
nyofacefootball (9:23:42 PM): wr troy brown is up
nyofacefootball (9:23:48 PM): ron opens at .10
clementetorres (9:24:04 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:24:11 PM): .20 edgar
edgarallans (9:24:15 PM): .30 leo
nyofacefootball (9:24:34 PM): mark
markymarkf (9:24:40 PM): pass
markymarkf (9:24:43 PM): sorry
nyofacefootball (9:24:44 PM): .4
ressang (9:24:47 PM): .5
maperseveranda (9:25:07 PM): .6
atpalisoc (9:25:09 PM): .7
nyofacefootball (9:25:17 PM): eli passes
nyofacefootball (9:25:57 PM): patrick
improvise707 (9:26:06 PM): pass
coolphyre (9:26:10 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:26:13 PM): i like him as a receiver but i don't like
him THAT much... pass edgar and pass leo
nyofacefootball (9:26:32 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:26:41 PM): ress, melvin and tony
ressang (9:26:49 PM): ..8
maperseveranda (9:27:01 PM): pass
atpalisoc (9:27:07 PM): .9
ressang (9:27:13 PM): hmmm
ressang (9:27:29 PM): 1.
atpalisoc (9:27:36 PM): merry christmas
nyofacefootball (9:27:49 PM): ress signs troy brown for 1.00
ressang (9:27:49 PM): thanks
atpalisoc (9:27:49 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:28:04 PM): merry christmas to you tone... you have no
ressang (9:28:05 PM): i know
ressang (9:28:12 PM): your lucky
atpalisoc (9:28:27 PM): how little faith u have in me brah
ressang (9:28:35 PM): i had to do my good deed of the day
ressang (9:28:48 PM): you would of had .50 left
nyofacefootball (9:28:52 PM): ress, troy brown fills up ur starting
nyofacefootball (9:29:05 PM): u have 6.70 left w/ 3 bench players
atpalisoc (9:29:07 PM): i would have been fine with that bro
ressang (9:29:38 PM): heheh
coolphyre (9:30:56 PM): test
ressang (9:31:05 PM): reply
edgarallans (9:31:22 PM): New England Defense is up... submitted by
Clemente for .10
maperseveranda (9:31:34 PM): im out again
nyofacefootball (9:31:52 PM): clemente opens at .10
nyofacefootball (9:31:54 PM): ur up edgar
edgarallans (9:32:00 PM): Vince obviously passes... edgar passes and
leo passes... unfortunately.
markymarkf (9:32:04 PM): .20
nyofacefootball (9:32:09 PM): .3
ressang (9:32:20 PM): I pass the on the same bye week as my Niners
nyofacefootball (9:32:41 PM): pretty good research dudes
nyofacefootball (9:32:54 PM): tone, melvin is out w/ 2 defenses
atpalisoc (9:33:03 PM): .4
nyofacefootball (9:33:23 PM): eli pass w/ 2 defenses
Yahoo! Messenger: coolphyre has left the conference.
improvise707 (9:33:26 PM): .5
nyofacefootball (9:33:34 PM): ron dropped... hold on
Yahoo! Messenger: coolphyre has joined the conference.
nyofacefootball (9:34:24 PM): ron ur up... .5 for new england defense
coolphyre (9:34:33 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:34:37 PM): .6
markymarkf (9:34:42 PM): .70
nyofacefootball (9:34:45 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:35:00 PM): tony, pat, clemente and mark
atpalisoc (9:35:04 PM): pass
improvise707 (9:35:07 PM): .8
clementetorres (9:35:14 PM): .9
nyofacefootball (9:35:48 PM): mark???
nyofacefootball (9:37:09 PM): maybe a potty break...
Yahoo! Messenger (9:37:22 PM): markymarkf has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger (9:37:22 PM): markymarkf has joined the conference.
nyofacefootball (9:37:31 PM): mark, .9 for ne d
nyofacefootball (9:37:43 PM): pat and clemente are in... tony passes
markymarkf (9:37:43 PM): oh man what did I miss? LOL
markymarkf (9:37:48 PM): 1.00
improvise707 (9:37:55 PM): 1.10
clementetorres (9:37:58 PM): 1.2
ressang (9:38:00 PM): hehe
ressang (9:38:06 PM): ill be there
markymarkf (9:38:50 PM): 1.30
improvise707 (9:38:56 PM): 1.4
clementetorres (9:39:00 PM): 1.5
markymarkf (9:39:05 PM): 1.60
improvise707 (9:39:16 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:39:25 PM): 1.7
Yahoo! Messenger: coolphyre has joined the conference.
markymarkf (9:39:38 PM): 1.80
clementetorres (9:39:48 PM): 1.9
ressang (9:39:54 PM): going to melvins house see you guys in a bit
markymarkf (9:39:55 PM): 2.00
Yahoo! Messenger: ressang has left the conference.
clementetorres (9:40:14 PM): 2.1
maperseveranda (9:40:16 PM): he passes til Curtis Martin
markymarkf (9:40:20 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:40:31 PM): clemente signs ne d for 2.10
markymarkf (9:40:51 PM): sorry about that...I think I had technical
edgarallans (9:41:00 PM): underrated 'd'... they got our boy,
nyofacefootball (9:41:03 PM): thought so... cool
nyofacefootball (9:41:20 PM): clemente, new england fills up ur
starting lineup
nyofacefootball (9:41:31 PM): uv got 8.00 left w/ 5 bench players
nyofacefootball (9:42:00 PM): warrick dunn is up... vince opens at .10
clementetorres (9:42:08 PM): thats not right
clementetorres (9:42:30 PM): I have 6 bench players
edgarallans (9:42:36 PM): .20 edgar
edgarallans (9:42:44 PM): .30 leo
nyofacefootball (9:42:47 PM): i may not have updated ur roster
clementetorres (9:42:50 PM): ok
markymarkf (9:42:57 PM): .40
nyofacefootball (9:43:00 PM): .50
maperseveranda (9:43:13 PM): ress passes
maperseveranda (9:43:18 PM): i pass
atpalisoc (9:43:19 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:43:31 PM): didn't list rod smith from last night
clementetorres (9:43:37 PM): ok
nyofacefootball (9:43:51 PM): clemente has 5.30 left after 14
nyofacefootball (9:44:22 PM): eli passes
improvise707 (9:44:28 PM): .6
coolphyre (9:44:30 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:44:35 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:44:55 PM): lemme get ahold of vince
atpalisoc (9:45:17 PM): vince pass
edgarallans (9:45:20 PM): pass edgar and leo...
markymarkf (9:45:34 PM): pass
markymarkf (9:47:05 PM): hello?
coolphyre (9:47:15 PM): test
markymarkf (9:47:23 PM): testing testing
markymarkf (9:47:30 PM): I hear you Ron...
markymarkf (9:47:33 PM): anybody else?
maperseveranda (9:47:38 PM): im here
improvise707 (9:47:49 PM): present
edgarallans (9:47:56 PM): i'm here... Just waiting on JF
markymarkf (9:48:11 PM): ok cool
markymarkf (9:48:17 PM): thought I got bumped off again
coolphyre (9:48:24 PM): tell me about it
coolphyre (9:48:28 PM): got bumped twice
nyofacefootball (9:48:28 PM): ok
nyofacefootball (9:48:49 PM): is it .6 to me?
markymarkf (9:48:51 PM): ok, where are we?
improvise707 (9:48:56 PM): yeah
improvise707 (9:48:57 PM): so pass
improvise707 (9:48:58 PM): hahaha
nyofacefootball (9:49:10 PM): i see patrick at .6 and everyone passed
after him
edgarallans (9:49:14 PM): yes... .6 to JF
improvise707 (9:49:18 PM): so pass jf
coolphyre (9:49:28 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (9:49:33 PM): heads up right patrick?
nyofacefootball (9:49:40 PM): .7
improvise707 (9:49:56 PM): .8
nyofacefootball (9:50:03 PM): .9
improvise707 (9:50:14 PM): 1.00
nyofacefootball (9:50:37 PM): 1.1
improvise707 (9:50:47 PM): 1.2
nyofacefootball (9:51:12 PM): 1.3
improvise707 (9:51:19 PM): 1.4
nyofacefootball (9:51:37 PM): ok this is my last bid, 1.5
improvise707 (9:51:44 PM): 1.6
nyofacefootball (9:51:50 PM): ok lemme think this over
nyofacefootball (9:52:15 PM): 1.7
improvise707 (9:52:51 PM): 1.8
coolphyre (9:53:31 PM): hello?
maperseveranda (9:53:35 PM): thinking
maperseveranda (9:53:41 PM): suspense
nyofacefootball (9:53:41 PM): 1.9
maperseveranda (9:53:44 PM): oooooooh
maperseveranda (9:54:00 PM): *suspense
improvise707 (9:54:03 PM): my groin!!!!
maperseveranda (9:54:16 PM): what the
coolphyre (9:54:20 PM): tick tock tick tock
improvise707 (9:54:21 PM): 2.00
maperseveranda (9:54:27 PM): oh man
atpalisoc (9:54:53 PM): i'll be back..
nyofacefootball (9:55:31 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:55:31 PM): wow
improvise707 (9:55:41 PM): holy schmoly
maperseveranda (9:55:47 PM): man
improvise707 (9:55:48 PM): a whole 2.60 left
improvise707 (9:56:09 PM): my head is hot... this salary cap is too
improvise707 (9:56:16 PM): ba da bum psh
nyofacefootball (9:56:28 PM): yup pat has 2.60 left w/ brees, dunn
and stallworth on the bench
nyofacefootball (9:56:50 PM): curtis martin is up
nyofacefootball (9:57:01 PM): edgar opens at .10
edgarallans (9:57:11 PM): .20 leo
markymarkf (9:57:13 PM): .30
nyofacefootball (9:57:17 PM): .4
maperseveranda (9:57:22 PM): ress .5
maperseveranda (9:57:24 PM): .6
atpalisoc (9:57:29 PM): .7
nyofacefootball (9:57:41 PM): eli .8
improvise707 (9:57:47 PM): pass
coolphyre (9:57:48 PM): pass
clementetorres (9:57:51 PM): pass
edgarallans (9:58:13 PM): Vince passes?
atpalisoc (9:58:19 PM): yup
atpalisoc (9:58:23 PM): vince pass
edgarallans (9:58:27 PM): ok... edgar 1.00
edgarallans (9:58:32 PM): 1.10 leo
markymarkf (9:58:35 PM): 1.2
nyofacefootball (9:58:40 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:58:49 PM): pass
atpalisoc (9:58:51 PM): pass
maperseveranda (9:58:52 PM): 1.3
maperseveranda (9:58:54 PM): ress pass
maperseveranda (9:58:57 PM): im 1.3
nyofacefootball (9:59:01 PM): eli pass
maperseveranda (9:59:02 PM): sorry
edgarallans (9:59:13 PM): 1.40 edgar
edgarallans (9:59:17 PM): 1.50 leo
markymarkf (9:59:20 PM): 1.60
Yahoo! Messenger (9:59:39 PM): clementetorres has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger (9:59:39 PM): clementetorres has joined the
maperseveranda (9:59:49 PM): whos in it still? is it me?
improvise707 (9:59:55 PM): i'm out for the rest of the night y'all
improvise707 (10:00:00 PM): good luck till next week
nyofacefootball (10:00:01 PM): l8r pat
maperseveranda (10:00:04 PM): later man
improvise707 (10:00:04 PM): payce y'all
coolphyre (10:00:10 PM): l8r
atpalisoc (10:00:15 PM): peace
markymarkf (10:00:21 PM): later dude
clementetorres (10:00:22 PM): take care
maperseveranda (10:00:25 PM): 1.7
edgarallans (10:00:40 PM): 1.80 edgar
edgarallans (10:00:46 PM): pass leo
markymarkf (10:00:49 PM): 1.90
maperseveranda (10:01:13 PM): 2
edgarallans (10:01:20 PM): 2.10 edgar
markymarkf (10:01:25 PM): 2.20
maperseveranda (10:01:37 PM): 2.3
edgarallans (10:01:40 PM): pass edgar
markymarkf (10:01:44 PM): 2.40
maperseveranda (10:01:46 PM): 2.5
Yahoo! Messenger (10:01:50 PM): improvise707 has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger (10:02:07 PM): vtownvinny has joined the conference.
markymarkf (10:02:07 PM): 2.6
maperseveranda (10:02:09 PM): 2.7
markymarkf (10:02:11 PM): 2.8
maperseveranda (10:02:15 PM): 2.9
markymarkf (10:02:16 PM): 3
nyofacefootball (10:02:22 PM): wow
vtownvinny (10:02:35 PM): whos this
maperseveranda (10:02:36 PM): hmm
maperseveranda (10:02:49 PM): now i kno how the yankees are with all
the money
maperseveranda (10:02:56 PM): 3.1
markymarkf (10:03:04 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:03:29 PM): yay
atpalisoc (10:03:51 PM): what's mel's cap?
nyofacefootball (10:04:02 PM): melvin signs curtis martin for 3.1
nyofacefootball (10:04:28 PM): melvin has 4.00 left 11
maperseveranda (10:05:21 PM): still better than yours man
maperseveranda (10:05:22 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (10:05:24 PM): 3rd rb in a row, james stewart
nyofacefootball (10:05:36 PM): leo opens at .10
nyofacefootball (10:05:48 PM): mark is up
atpalisoc (10:05:55 PM): true dat
markymarkf (10:06:01 PM): .2
nyofacefootball (10:06:07 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:06:21 PM): ress pass
maperseveranda (10:06:22 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:06:30 PM): .3
nyofacefootball (10:06:33 PM): eli pass
coolphyre (10:06:39 PM): pass
clementetorres (10:06:44 PM): .4
vtownvinny (10:07:25 PM): pass
edgarallans (10:07:33 PM): .50 edgar
edgarallans (10:07:36 PM): .60 leo
markymarkf (10:07:38 PM): .70
nyofacefootball (10:07:56 PM): clemente, edgar, leo, mark
atpalisoc (10:08:09 PM): and me
nyofacefootball (10:08:17 PM): sorry bro
edgarallans (10:08:24 PM): then you're next tone
atpalisoc (10:09:19 PM): .8
clementetorres (10:09:27 PM): .9
edgarallans (10:09:38 PM): 1.00 edgar
edgarallans (10:09:41 PM): pass leo
markymarkf (10:09:45 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:09:52 PM): pass
edgarallans (10:10:24 PM): Jollibees are waiting, Clemente
edgarallans (10:10:34 PM):
clementetorres (10:10:44 PM): sorry...pass
nyofacefootball (10:10:56 PM): edgar signs stewart for 1.00... not bad
clementetorres (10:11:06 PM): good deal
edgarallans (10:11:09 PM): cool... been a while since I last signed
nyofacefootball (10:11:58 PM): edgar has 4.50 left after 11
nyofacefootball (10:12:34 PM): te kyle brady is up
nyofacefootball (10:12:40 PM): mark opens at .10
nyofacefootball (10:12:42 PM): i pass
nyofacefootball (10:13:40 PM): ress and melvin
maperseveranda (10:13:43 PM): we pass
atpalisoc (10:13:52 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:14:07 PM): eli pass
coolphyre (10:14:44 PM): pass
edgarallans (10:14:54 PM): pass edgar
clementetorres (10:14:57 PM): .2
edgarallans (10:14:57 PM): oops
vtownvinny (10:14:58 PM): .2
vtownvinny (10:15:02 PM): .3
edgarallans (10:15:07 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (10:15:10 PM): pass leo
markymarkf (10:15:16 PM): pass
clementetorres (10:15:29 PM): .4
vtownvinny (10:15:40 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:16:35 PM): anytime now... need to go to bed before 12:00
nyofacefootball (10:16:37 PM): clemente signs brady for .40
atpalisoc (10:17:21 PM): giants d up jf bid $.10
nyofacefootball (10:17:43 PM): clemente has 4.90 left... u can't bid
on te's anymore
atpalisoc (10:17:45 PM): ress your up to bid...
maperseveranda (10:18:02 PM): .20
maperseveranda (10:18:05 PM): for ress
clementetorres (10:18:14 PM): TE's too
atpalisoc (10:18:25 PM): mel?
maperseveranda (10:18:33 PM): i have two D
atpalisoc (10:18:35 PM): .3
coolphyre (10:18:39 PM): .4
clementetorres (10:18:45 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:19:07 PM): vince ur up
maperseveranda (10:19:08 PM): so u can have as many of any other
position except k D TE?
clementetorres (10:19:19 PM): cool
nyofacefootball (10:19:20 PM): yes
vtownvinny (10:19:20 PM): pass
edgarallans (10:19:25 PM): love the defense, but edgar and leo have
to pass
markymarkf (10:19:32 PM): .50
nyofacefootball (10:19:32 PM): no, kicker and defense
nyofacefootball (10:19:38 PM): sorry i'm getting tired
maperseveranda (10:19:40 PM): How bout for ress, where cortez might
not even be playing
nyofacefootball (10:19:42 PM): no limit on te's
maperseveranda (10:19:50 PM): ooooh ok
nyofacefootball (10:19:51 PM): my mind was on something else!
clementetorres (10:19:52 PM): ok...thanks
maperseveranda (10:20:00 PM): te was wierd
atpalisoc (10:20:02 PM): kitana baker?
maperseveranda (10:20:05 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (10:20:05 PM): lol
edgarallans (10:20:11 PM): didnt you just tell clemente that he's
max'd out on te's though?
nyofacefootball (10:20:14 PM): i pass on nyg d
nyofacefootball (10:20:27 PM): and i just corrected myself
edgarallans (10:20:31 PM): oh
edgarallans (10:20:40 PM): ok, please proceed
maperseveranda (10:21:11 PM): .50 ress
atpalisoc (10:21:21 PM): pass
markymarkf (10:21:23 PM): I bid .50
nyofacefootball (10:21:33 PM): isnt' ron still in?
coolphyre (10:21:36 PM): yes
coolphyre (10:21:39 PM): whats the last bid
maperseveranda (10:21:40 PM): oh ok
maperseveranda (10:21:43 PM): i am sorry ress
coolphyre (10:21:47 PM): there are 2,.50cents
nyofacefootball (10:22:03 PM): so it's .50 to you ron
coolphyre (10:22:09 PM): .6
nyofacefootball (10:22:27 PM): now mark
markymarkf (10:22:42 PM): .70
maperseveranda (10:22:49 PM): RESS PASSes
coolphyre (10:22:54 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:23:12 PM): mark signs giants d for a bargain, .70
edgarallans (10:23:18 PM): good deal mark... good thing you passed on
pats d earlier
markymarkf (10:23:32 PM): yeah
edgarallans (10:23:40 PM): giants d just as good as pats, if not
nyofacefootball (10:23:45 PM): mark has 11.30 left after 8
coolphyre (10:23:57 PM): im outta here, see you guys next week
nyofacefootball (10:24:04 PM): l8r ron
atpalisoc (10:24:05 PM): l8
markymarkf (10:24:07 PM): bye bye
Yahoo! Messenger (10:24:14 PM): coolphyre has left the conference.
nyofacefootball (10:24:21 PM): wr joe jurevicius is up
nyofacefootball (10:24:24 PM): ress opens at .10
maperseveranda (10:24:44 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:24:48 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:24:55 PM): eli pass
nyofacefootball (10:25:01 PM): ron and pat are gone
clementetorres (10:25:06 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:25:52 PM): vince is up
maperseveranda (10:26:01 PM): whos next?
nyofacefootball (10:26:14 PM): he passes
edgarallans (10:26:17 PM): .20 edgar
edgarallans (10:26:20 PM): .30 leo
markymarkf (10:26:25 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:26:29 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:26:38 PM): pass RESS
edgarallans (10:26:56 PM): pass edgar -- my turn right?
nyofacefootball (10:27:00 PM): hehe
nyofacefootball (10:27:04 PM): yup
edgarallans (10:27:13 PM): ok .30 to leo
edgarallans (10:27:19 PM): he can have him!
nyofacefootball (10:27:22 PM): lol
atpalisoc (10:27:25 PM): LOL!
maperseveranda (10:27:39 PM): hahahahhhha
nyofacefootball (10:27:41 PM): wait, edgar ur up before leo
nyofacefootball (10:27:50 PM): so edgar signs jurevicius
edgarallans (10:27:52 PM): right, I passed
edgarallans (10:28:07 PM): i bid at .20 and then i passed later on
nyofacefootball (10:28:07 PM): u wrote .30 to leo
nyofacefootball (10:28:16 PM): ok
atpalisoc (10:28:18 PM): no i think leo's max is .2
nyofacefootball (10:28:25 PM): jus messin wid ya
maperseveranda (10:28:29 PM): lol
edgarallans (10:28:33 PM): ehehehe
nyofacefootball (10:29:07 PM): leo has 7.20 left after 11
edgarallans (10:29:25 PM): not right... we'll figure it out later...
nyofacefootball (10:29:29 PM): az-zahir hakim, wr, is up
edgarallans (10:29:30 PM): don't worry about it..
nyofacefootball (10:29:41 PM): i may have missed something from last
nyofacefootball (10:29:51 PM): let me get this bid started and i'll
maperseveranda (10:29:57 PM): he should have 6 bucks left
edgarallans (10:30:06 PM): don't worry about it... i
nyofacefootball (10:30:07 PM): melvin opens .10 on hakim... otne
atpalisoc (10:30:18 PM): pass from otne
nyofacefootball (10:30:36 PM): eli pass
Yahoo! Messenger (10:30:41 PM): vtownvinny has joined the conference.
edgarallans (10:31:17 PM): is clemente still on board here? I think
ron and pat are gone,..
nyofacefootball (10:31:20 PM): i was looking at another team's cap
nyofacefootball (10:31:23 PM): leo has 6.20 left
nyofacefootball (10:31:35 PM): clemente dropped it think
atpalisoc (10:31:36 PM): must have been mine.
Yahoo! Messenger (10:31:57 PM): clementetorres has joined the
nyofacefootball (10:32:00 PM): lol
clementetorres (10:32:12 PM): that was wierd
edgarallans (10:32:19 PM): clemente is back?
nyofacefootball (10:32:22 PM): clemente, az hakim, wr, is up... .10
to you
clementetorres (10:32:28 PM): pass
edgarallans (10:32:29 PM): ok... .10 to you buddy
edgarallans (10:32:34 PM): Vince is up
vtownvinny (10:32:38 PM): .2
edgarallans (10:32:46 PM): pass edgar
edgarallans (10:32:49 PM): .30 leo
markymarkf (10:33:05 PM): 0.40
nyofacefootball (10:33:07 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:33:18 PM): ress pass
maperseveranda (10:33:20 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:33:36 PM): vince, edgar and mark
vtownvinny (10:33:56 PM): .5
edgarallans (10:33:58 PM): pass leo and pass edgar
markymarkf (10:34:02 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:34:13 PM): on hakim?
nyofacefootball (10:34:16 PM): vince signs hakim for .50
vtownvinny (10:34:25 PM): id u want him
maperseveranda (10:34:34 PM): what?
vtownvinny (10:34:38 PM): mark
markymarkf (10:34:44 PM): huh?
maperseveranda (10:35:01 PM): i just put him out there
maperseveranda (10:35:03 PM): haha
nyofacefootball (10:35:12 PM): vince has 6.60 left after 10
atpalisoc (10:35:16 PM): lol
maperseveranda (10:35:19 PM): i wanted him
maperseveranda (10:35:21 PM): for .10
nyofacefootball (10:35:29 PM): last 5 players
nyofacefootball (10:35:36 PM): James Thrash is up
nyofacefootball (10:35:42 PM): Tony opens at .10
nyofacefootball (10:35:48 PM): eli .20
nyofacefootball (10:36:08 PM): clemente, ur after eli now since pat
and ron are gone
clementetorres (10:36:21 PM): sorry...pass
edgarallans (10:36:57 PM): pass edgar and pass leo... after Vince,
that is...
nyofacefootball (10:36:58 PM): vince u there?
markymarkf (10:37:10 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:37:38 PM): is that for vince mark?
markymarkf (10:37:45 PM): oh no, sorry, that's for me
nyofacefootball (10:38:24 PM): guess vince passes
nyofacefootball (10:38:33 PM): i pass
vtownvinny (10:38:42 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:38:59 PM): ress and melvin
maperseveranda (10:39:02 PM): we pass
atpalisoc (10:39:04 PM): .3
maperseveranda (10:39:04 PM): sorry
vtownvinny (10:39:14 PM): sorry guys babysitting da 3 boys
nyofacefootball (10:39:34 PM): eli will pass
maperseveranda (10:39:38 PM): headaches?
maperseveranda (10:39:59 PM): are u by yourself vince
nyofacefootball (10:40:00 PM): guess that's tony for thrash at .30
atpalisoc (10:40:17 PM): cool....
nyofacefootball (10:41:01 PM): tony has 1.10 left after 13
nyofacefootball (10:41:15 PM): rb stacey mack is up
atpalisoc (10:41:16 PM): yeah bo....
nyofacefootball (10:41:30 PM): eli opens at .10.... clemente?
clementetorres (10:41:37 PM): .2
edgarallans (10:41:52 PM): Vince?
vtownvinny (10:42:07 PM): .3
edgarallans (10:42:13 PM): .40 edgar
edgarallans (10:42:16 PM): pass leo
markymarkf (10:42:29 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:42:30 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:42:34 PM): ress pass
maperseveranda (10:42:35 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:42:41 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:42:45 PM): eli pass
clementetorres (10:42:49 PM): .5
vtownvinny (10:42:52 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:43:03 PM): clemente signs stacey mack for .50
edgarallans (10:43:12 PM): uh, wait
nyofacefootball (10:43:19 PM): huh
edgarallans (10:43:23 PM): ok then... i guess i pass
nyofacefootball (10:43:25 PM): sorry
nyofacefootball (10:43:43 PM): u can still bid edgar
edgarallans (10:43:49 PM): .60 edgar
clementetorres (10:43:58 PM): .7
edgarallans (10:44:06 PM): now i pass...
nyofacefootball (10:44:10 PM): hehe
nyofacefootball (10:44:26 PM): clemente for mack for .70
edgarallans (10:44:26 PM): had to ride 1 up on you, clemente
clementetorres (10:44:35 PM): I hear ya
clementetorres (10:44:40 PM): all good
nyofacefootball (10:45:13 PM): clemente has 4.20 left after 16
nyofacefootball (10:45:25 PM): wr chad johnson is up
nyofacefootball (10:45:29 PM): patrick opens at .10
edgarallans (10:45:37 PM): what team is he on please?
nyofacefootball (10:45:38 PM): clemente ur up
clementetorres (10:45:45 PM): .2
nyofacefootball (10:45:46 PM): he's on the bungles
vtownvinny (10:45:51 PM): .3
edgarallans (10:45:57 PM): thanks... pass edgar and pass leo
clementetorres (10:45:57 PM): Cincy...I think
markymarkf (10:46:03 PM): .40
nyofacefootball (10:46:06 PM): .5
nyofacefootball (10:46:15 PM): ress and melvin
maperseveranda (10:46:18 PM): ress .6
maperseveranda (10:46:21 PM): .7
atpalisoc (10:46:25 PM): .9
nyofacefootball (10:46:42 PM): eli 1
clementetorres (10:46:46 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:46:48 PM): pat passes
nyofacefootball (10:47:06 PM): vince, mark, jf, ress, melvin, tony,
vtownvinny (10:47:13 PM): 1.1
markymarkf (10:47:20 PM): 1.20
nyofacefootball (10:47:22 PM): 1.3
maperseveranda (10:47:40 PM): ress pass
maperseveranda (10:47:52 PM): 1.4
atpalisoc (10:47:54 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:48:00 PM): eli pass
nyofacefootball (10:48:42 PM): vince, mark, jf, melvin
vtownvinny (10:48:45 PM): 1.5
markymarkf (10:48:51 PM): 1.60
nyofacefootball (10:48:53 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:48:58 PM): pass
vtownvinny (10:49:19 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:49:46 PM): mark gets johnson for 1.6?
nyofacefootball (10:49:48 PM): mark signs chad johnson for 1.60...
pretty good deal
atpalisoc (10:49:55 PM): DAMN!!!!
clementetorres (10:49:57 PM): yes it is
maperseveranda (10:49:58 PM): nice
edgarallans (10:49:59 PM): what, is this guy supposed to be a
sleeper? seems like a lot of money for a team with a rookie QB
markymarkf (10:50:02 PM): dam, I wanted him cheaper LOL
maperseveranda (10:50:10 PM): he was there man
atpalisoc (10:50:14 PM): I HAD HIM LAST YEAR. HE WAS A BAD ASS...
markymarkf (10:50:15 PM): damn it Vince
clementetorres (10:50:16 PM): he had a hell of a 2002
markymarkf (10:50:19 PM): LOL
atpalisoc (10:50:26 PM): good job mark
atpalisoc (10:50:39 PM): pays to wait til everyone leaves the auction
atpalisoc (10:50:42 PM): LOL
clementetorres (10:50:57 PM): I read that experts thinks he might be
a 1 hit wonder
edgarallans (10:50:58 PM): more like GOOD LUCK with him! with Palmer
at helm for 1st year
clementetorres (10:51:01 PM): I dought it
nyofacefootball (10:51:05 PM): vince has 9.70 left after 9
nyofacefootball (10:51:21 PM): it'll be kitna this year
edgarallans (10:51:31 PM): not much better there
markymarkf (10:51:35 PM): hey, I got him, right?
atpalisoc (10:51:35 PM): yup ... and johnson's his favorite target
clementetorres (10:51:39 PM): at least the first few games
nyofacefootball (10:51:48 PM): qb tommy maddox is up
atpalisoc (10:51:49 PM): i forgot to put in my bid
atpalisoc (10:51:57 PM): for johnson...
nyofacefootball (10:52:08 PM): ron opens at .10
clementetorres (10:52:14 PM): .2
vtownvinny (10:52:17 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:52:24 PM): u were at ur max at .90 tone
edgarallans (10:52:24 PM): .30 edgar
edgarallans (10:52:32 PM): .40 leo
markymarkf (10:52:33 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (10:52:49 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:52:54 PM): trying..
maperseveranda (10:52:59 PM): .5 for ress
maperseveranda (10:53:01 PM): i pass
atpalisoc (10:53:08 PM): .6
nyofacefootball (10:53:19 PM): eli passes
clementetorres (10:53:23 PM): .7
maperseveranda (10:53:25 PM): why u trying to budget tony?
maperseveranda (10:53:31 PM): resss says
edgarallans (10:53:31 PM): pass edgar and pass leo
maperseveranda (10:53:32 PM): lol
atpalisoc (10:53:50 PM): .8
clementetorres (10:53:59 PM): .9
maperseveranda (10:54:04 PM): ress turn
maperseveranda (10:54:07 PM): wait
clementetorres (10:54:10 PM): sorry
atpalisoc (10:54:14 PM): sorry
maperseveranda (10:54:22 PM): ress at .8
atpalisoc (10:54:27 PM): pass
atpalisoc (10:54:35 PM): and good nite fellas....
clementetorres (10:54:37 PM): .9
clementetorres (10:54:40 PM): l8tr
nyofacefootball (10:54:51 PM): l8r
Yahoo! Messenger (10:55:04 PM): atpalisoc has left the conference.
maperseveranda (10:55:09 PM): 1 ress
clementetorres (10:55:25 PM): 1.1
maperseveranda (10:55:38 PM): 1.2
clementetorres (10:55:50 PM): 1.3
maperseveranda (10:55:58 PM): 1.4
clementetorres (10:56:20 PM): 1.5
maperseveranda (10:56:22 PM): 1.6
maperseveranda (10:56:30 PM): 1.8
clementetorres (10:56:51 PM): ewww
nyofacefootball (10:57:12 PM): it's 1.6 to clemente right?
maperseveranda (10:57:24 PM): ress 1.6
clementetorres (10:57:34 PM): 1.7
maperseveranda (10:57:39 PM): 1.8
maperseveranda (10:57:41 PM): lol
clementetorres (10:57:49 PM): 1.9
maperseveranda (10:57:54 PM): 2
nyofacefootball (10:57:54 PM): he's a bargain at his price
maperseveranda (10:58:05 PM): comments to yourself please
clementetorres (10:58:06 PM): 2.1
maperseveranda (10:58:07 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (10:58:08 PM): lol
maperseveranda (10:58:11 PM): 2.2
clementetorres (10:58:19 PM): 2.3
maperseveranda (10:58:40 PM): 2.4
maperseveranda (10:59:10 PM): u dont really need him
clementetorres (10:59:10 PM): U really want this guy don't you
maperseveranda (10:59:14 PM): lol
maperseveranda (10:59:22 PM): maybe
maperseveranda (10:59:25 PM): maybe not
clementetorres (10:59:35 PM): I hear ya...but would be nice with
maperseveranda (10:59:38 PM):
clementetorres (10:59:42 PM): U can have him
clementetorres (10:59:46 PM): pass
maperseveranda (10:59:50 PM):
maperseveranda (10:59:56 PM):
maperseveranda (10:59:59 PM): yay
maperseveranda (11:00:01 PM): all mine
nyofacefootball (11:00:02 PM): ress signs tommy maddox for 2.40
maperseveranda (11:00:14 PM): limit was 3
edgarallans (11:00:28 PM): we'll see if last year was an aberration
for him...
maperseveranda (11:00:39 PM): but its in red so its all good
maperseveranda (11:00:53 PM): but who else is there for pittsburgh
right now
maperseveranda (11:00:56 PM): nomore bettis
nyofacefootball (11:00:59 PM): ress has 4.30 left after 12
maperseveranda (11:01:02 PM): all burress and ward
edgarallans (11:01:03 PM): right
nyofacefootball (11:01:07 PM): guess that makes kordell his b/u
edgarallans (11:01:09 PM): Amos Zeroue!
clementetorres (11:01:12 PM): yup
maperseveranda (11:01:24 PM): zeroue is gonna bust
maperseveranda (11:01:25 PM): lol
nyofacefootball (11:01:32 PM): last player for bids
edgarallans (11:01:33 PM): Chris fuu matuu maaa faallaaa
nyofacefootball (11:01:50 PM): k jason elam is up... clemente opens
at .10
vtownvinny (11:01:53 PM): .2
edgarallans (11:01:57 PM): .3 edgar
maperseveranda (11:01:59 PM): theres two vinces and two clementes
edgarallans (11:01:59 PM): .4 leo
maperseveranda (11:02:02 PM): on the side
markymarkf (11:02:03 PM): .50
nyofacefootball (11:02:06 PM): pass
maperseveranda (11:02:11 PM): both me and ress pass
maperseveranda (11:02:20 PM): nite yall
nyofacefootball (11:02:21 PM): eli passes
clementetorres (11:02:22 PM): I was kicked out twice...
nyofacefootball (11:02:25 PM): nite
maperseveranda (11:02:26 PM): we outs
vtownvinny (11:02:30 PM): pass
maperseveranda (11:02:31 PM): peace
Yahoo! Messenger (11:02:33 PM): maperseveranda has left the
edgarallans (11:02:41 PM): who's left now then?
nyofacefootball (11:02:51 PM): edgar, leo and mark
edgarallans (11:02:51 PM): me clemente and leo?
clementetorres (11:02:56 PM): you guys skipped me
nyofacefootball (11:03:02 PM): clemente
clementetorres (11:03:14 PM): I pass...don't need to be fined again
edgarallans (11:03:32 PM): hehehe. .60 edgar
nyofacefootball (11:03:33 PM): lol
edgarallans (11:03:43 PM): pass leo
edgarallans (11:03:50 PM): your move Mark
markymarkf (11:03:54 PM): pass
nyofacefootball (11:04:09 PM): edgar signs a damn great kicker for .60
edgarallans (11:04:20 PM): yes
clementetorres (11:04:21 PM): U won that battle bro
clementetorres (11:04:30 PM): thats a hella deal
edgarallans (11:04:33 PM): good thing everyone else jumped off early
markymarkf (11:04:40 PM): true
markymarkf (11:04:45 PM): LOL
edgarallans (11:04:46 PM): that's why i stay up late
nyofacefootball (11:04:57 PM): edgar has the best set of 2 kickers in
elam and akers
clementetorres (11:05:07 PM): nite guys.....gonna finish this report
edgarallans (11:05:12 PM): not much to brag about thought
markymarkf (11:05:13 PM): goodnight
nyofacefootball (11:05:14 PM): edgar has 3.90 left after 12
nyofacefootball (11:05:16 PM): nite all
edgarallans (11:05:17 PM): g nite
clementetorres (11:05:28 PM): o by the way
edgarallans (11:05:29 PM): 2 sessions next week jf?
nyofacefootball (11:05:41 PM): i think so
nyofacefootball (11:05:44 PM): i'll have to check
clementetorres (11:05:44 PM): what happened to the e-mail bidding
nyofacefootball (11:05:51 PM): it's all online
edgarallans (11:06:10 PM): can't we continue e-mail though?
edgarallans (11:06:25 PM): I wrote a question to you about that
earlier today...
clementetorres (11:06:30 PM): and have it continue on YIM
nyofacefootball (11:06:32 PM): i'll answer in the am
edgarallans (11:06:40 PM): ok...
edgarallans (11:06:45 PM): g nite then...
clementetorres (11:06:51 PM): cool deal...nite guys
nyofacefootball (11:06:56 PM): haven't checked my emails
markymarkf (11:06:59 PM): ok, goodnight all
nyofacefootball (11:07:00 PM): i'm ready to sleep
Yahoo! Messenger (11:07:04 PM): clementetorres has left the
Yahoo! Messenger (11:07:05 PM): edgarallans has left the conference.
nyofacefootball (11:07:05 PM): thx guys
Yahoo! Messenger (11:07:11 PM): markymarkf has left the conference.